Subject: Top 10 Mass & Strength Exercises

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Building STRENGTH is the key to maximizing your physical potential...

For example…

If your goal is hypertrophy – the stronger you are the more weight you’ll be able to lift, the bigger you’ll get.

If your goal is power – the stronger you are, the more weight you’ll be able to lift at a faster pace, the more explosive you’ll get.

If your goal is explosiveness – the stronger you are the more explosive you will be through plyometric movements.

If your goal is endurance – the stronger you are, the more weight you’ll be able to lift for a longer, more metabolically demanding duration, thus building endurance.

Even cardiovascular (of all things), the stronger you are, the better you will be at any endurance event.

Today, you're going to learn the top 10 best strength building exercises that you should be including in your workouts...

1. Deadlifts
The deadlift is a amazing exercise for building your posterior chain (Hamstrings, glutes, lumbar) which are all extremely important for almost all physical movements.

The deadlift should be the core strength exercise for all people looking to build strength and size to their entire body.

Other variations include sumo deadlifts and trap-bar deadlifts.

To Learn how 72 of the world's top trainers use with these exercises to build muscle & strength - Click Here.

2. Barbell Squat Variations
The front squat and Zercher squat, especially, are extremely effective for building upper and lower body strength. The front and Zercher squats allow you to fully extend the hips and force better technique.

The Zercher is easier on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The back and the front squats demand good flexibility and skill in carrying the bar.

3. Pull Ups
Pull-ups are an excellent upper body strengthening exercise where the body is suspended by the arms.

Since you are moving your body through space (not just moving a weight) you develop whole-body functional strength.

Improve your pull up strength with the Progressive Pull Up Program.

4. Barbell Bench Press
The Bench Press Builds Strength and Power: if you are looking for a reliable strength-training workout, bench press is your best option.

Technique is very important with bench pressing as it may place strain on the scapulae or shoulder blades and the rotator cuff when done incorrectly.

Practicing proper form – including keeping your feet firmly planted, maintaining a straight back and keeping your shoulders and glutes flat on the bench at all times – helps prevent these injuries.

I wouldn’t use the bench press all year round, but would put together a benching program to increase your overall LEARN how to increase your benching reps with good technique.

5. Turkish Get Ups (KB/DB)
The Turkish Get-Up is a highly functional movement that requires all the muscles of the body working together in order to accomplish the task.

The Turkish Get-Up is a highly functional movement that requires all the muscles of the body working together in order to accomplish the movement. You need shoulder flexibility, stability and wrist strength.

The kettlebell method also has a strong effect on strengthening your grip.

The Turkish get-up strengthens your core, all your major muscle groups, smaller stabilizers, tendons and ligaments.

6. Barbell Military Press
When this is performed correctly, the basic barbell military press is an exceptional upper body, trunk and cores strengthening exercise.

You can use the seated or standing military press versions. Because your rotator cuff is vulnerable when using these exercises, it is very important to perform the movement with proper form.

During the exercise keep your body tall and straight. If executed properly, the hard work you put in on Standing Military Presses will pay out dividends to your overall conditioning.

7. Barbell Lunge Variations
The benefits of doing exercises for your legs one leg at a time are numerous. You will develop better coordination, get rid of muscle imbalance between your limbs and last but not least become athletic in a very functional manner.

You will also increase your hip flexor flexibility, which is key for sports and athletics.

Doing lunges puts your body in a position to isolate and activate the glutes. The lunge will also help improve core stability. Variations of lunge that are effective are dumbbell and Zercher lunges.

8. Barbell Bent Over Rows
The Row is a great pulling and back exercise. You will also improve the posterior chain. It is important to practice good form when performing this exercise by never allowing your spine to bend throughout the exercise.

With all of the upper body benefits it’s easy to overlook the full body stabilization effect of the barbell row.

The bent over barbell row requires strength from the hands all the way down to the feet. The feet, legs, hips and core have to work just to maintain a stable position throughout the exercise.

9. Weighted Step Ups – Unilateral strength
Everyone looking to build strength can benefit from the weighted step-ups for lower body strength development.

The quadriceps and glutes are the primary movers during the step-up exercise.

Secondary movers include stabilizers, which help stabilize the body during the movement, and synergist, including the adductors, or inner thigh muscles of the leading leg, and the calf muscles of the following leg.

The hamstrings and calf muscles of the leading leg act as stabilizers, as do your lower back and stomach muscles.

10. Parallel Bar Dips
The dip is one of the best exercises to build chest, tris, shoulders muscles in a different angle and range of motion than pushups and bench press.

This is also an amazing exercise to develop upper body and push strength,. Because the parallel dips have no support you are forced to lift your entire bodyweight.

Incorporating these 10 exercises in your training routine will lead to very productive workouts and maximum muscle gains.

And if you would like to get a complete training library of workout programs using all of these exercises plus many more. Than I recommend that you download the Ultimate Fitness Bundle Pack.

This bundle is unlike anything I have seen before because you're getting 72 Complete Fitness Programs including…

Bodyweight Training, Weight Lifting Workouts, Isometrics, HIIT Cardio, Workout Finishers, Kettlebell Programs, Resistance Band Training, Mobility & Flexibility Stretching Routines, Bodybuilding Nutrition Programs & More… for just 54 cents each!

The Ultimate Fitness Bundle Pack <-- Download your copy!

This bundle pack should be apart of any hardcore fitness enthusiast's library of training resources.

Regardless if you are brand new to working out, or you are a seasoned pro, you're bound to learn some new tips and tricks that will help you to take your strength, health, and fitness to the next level of development - Click Here to check it out for yourself.

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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