Subject: Pull Ups VS Pull Downs - is there a difference and and which back exercise is best for YOU?

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I posted a new video up on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube channel...

Both pull-ups and lat pull-downs are back exercises that primarily target the lat muscles of the upper back, but they differ in terms of equipment, execution, and muscle activation. Pull-ups are a bodyweight exercise performed on a pull up bar / chin up bar, while lat pull-downs are performed on a cable machine using an adjustable weight stack. Both exercises are effective for building strength and muscle development, but which one you choose may vary depending on your fitness level and current situation.

Generally beginners will start with lat pull downs as you can adjust the weight to your current strength level and progress in a gradual fashion. Whereas pull ups are typically used by advanced lifters because you have to be able to lift your entire body weight during the exercise.

However, you'll often see advanced lifters doing lat pull downs instead of pull ups for various reasons. This could be to get a better muscle contraction in the back muscles, or it could be to work around injuries, and in some cases advanced lifters are so big that doing body weight exercises like pull ups and chin ups make it harder to perform enough repetitions to provide adequate time under tension for maximum muscle hypertrophy.

In this video we're going to break down the pros and cons of pull ups vs pull downs so you can best decide which exercise is best for you, your body type, and individual situation.
Pull Ups - VS - Pull Downs - what's the best exercise for YOU?
This goes way beyond what's the best exercise based on what the scientific studies say - and focuses on real world situations that you can apply to your body type, your fitness level, any past injuries, mobility issues, etc.

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


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