Subject: Part 3 of 5 "Short-Cuts" to building muscle

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward and I hope you're having an awesome day :-)

In this e-mail we're going to cover another "short-cut" to building more muscle...

This is part 3 of 5 of the most common workout "Short-Cuts". In each e-mail we're picking them apart to see if they really work, or if there is a better plan of action.

Enjoy part 3 of 5...

Muscle Building  Shortcut # 3 – Training Less Often

The world of bodybuilding is full of extremes, for a lot of guys it is either all or none… there is no middle ground. In the previous 2 "short-cuts" we discussed the negative impacts of training too often and with too much volume. Now when some bodybuilders here about this, they make a complete U-turn and go the opposite direction and drastically cut back on their workouts figuring that "less is more".

If you have been around the iron game for a while you may remember Mike Mentzer and his Heavy Duty Workouts. The High Intensity / Low Volume Workout programs were one of the biggest influences of the "less is more" idea. The overall the principles of these workouts were really good because most of them implemented a solid plan of action, used progressive overload, and strictly focused on monitoring your progress, etc.

But one major flaw of the Heavy Duty Training System was that if you weren't making progress with your workouts it was automatically assumed that you were
"overtraining", and to correct this your workout volume was cut back. Sometimes going to the point of working out once a week or less.

Is there a better way?

When it comes to building muscle there are A LOT of different variables that come into play. And "Under Training" (meaning you are simply not working out enough) can slow your progress just as much, if not more, than "Over Training".

Unfortunately, there are no set in stone rules that work for everyone, but a general guideline of working out 4-5 times per week and training each body part once or twice per week is a good place to start. As you get more training experience and try different workout programs you be able to find out exactly what your body responds the best to and customize your workouts to fit your specific needs.

Note: if you would like for me to help you with planning out your workouts, than you should check out the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Workout Of The Month program here.


Make sure to watch for tomorrow's e-mail because I'll be sending you the 4th part of the 5 "Short-Cuts" To Building Muscle. In this one we'll cover the concept of Lifting BIG to get BIG...

all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
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