Subject: [Live event invitation]: How to Boost Gains Through Better Protein Absorption

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

I've been lifting weights for many many years now and since I started in the gym, things have evolved and my methods for both training and nutrition have been refined and improved upon again and again.

Over the past few years I discovered that I was inadvertently harming my own health and vitality even though I was eating clean and working out regularly.

At first glance, no one would have ever suspected anything at all, including yours truly, BUT after I met with a specialist in this particular department, I was BLOWN away with the info he shared with me and I immediately started to make changes.

I was so impressed with the results and the instant changes it made in my own life that I thought it would be great to do a live webinar where we could share the same info with you and anyone who is interested.

All you need to know is this: If you are eating a HIGH protein diet or just want to get MORE from the protein you eat daily, then you need to attend this webinar with us.

And I know that almost everyone reading this newsletter, including myself, pounds back a high protein diet on a daily basis.

How to Boost Your Gains, Strength, And Recovery By Maximizing Your Protein Absorption from Your Shakes and Food >> click here to register

This is some BREAKTHROUGH stuff.

What's going to be revealed could speed up your gains by 20%, 30% or even 50%.

We all know the reasons why eating a high protein diet is essential to build and repair muscle as well as recover from intense training.

And now you're going to get THE ONE THING that will maximize the gains from the protein you're consuming.

It's NOT what you consume, it is what you ABSORB.

Go ahead and register now.

This exclusive live event is Tuesday Sept 6th at 7:00 PM EST!

Webinar Registration:

Our special guest, Wade Lightheart, is a former 3-time all-natural Canadian bodybuilding champion.

But what REALLY impresses me about this guy is that he did ALL this while on consuming less than 100 grams of protein a day.

That's pretty much "unheard of" in bodybuilding, and clear proof he knows what he's talking about when it comes to building muscle.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)


Feel free to share this webinar invitation with friends or family who are into health and fitness and would benefit from attending.

Webinar Registration:

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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