Subject: Killer Deadlift Workout

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

There was a day when bodybuilders were characterized by thick massive torsos, tumbling traps, and sweeping lats that hung like boxcar doors from broad-beamed shoulders. All this came about from slapping as many iron plates as possible onto a barbell and dead lifting it off the ground in whatever manner it took to get the weight up. 

The deadlift is the oldest of all weight training exercises and is one of the most effective exercises for overall body development. Deadlifts are not pretty and neither are the men who hoisted them, but this movement made their physiques the biggest, thickest, and strongest in the world. 

The deadlift is a compound movement that works all of the major muscles in the body, with most of emphasis on the traps, spinal erectors, hips, glutes, and hamstrings. The remaining muscles are involved in stability control. 

It is the purest single test of strength because it is one of the few lifts where you lift a dead weight off the ground. In most other lifts the weight changes direction or starts from the top position and you can use reversal strength and momentum to rebound and assist in lifting the weight, as in the squat and bench press. 

In today's Bodybuilding Tip you are going to get a complete killer deadlift workout program that will help increase your deadlift poundages, allowing you increase your overall strength, and pack on slabs of thick dense muscle mass to your frame.
Deadlift Workout

Killer Deadlift Workout
 <<--Click Here

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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