Subject: Join Now and Start in January?

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Since I sent out the email about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program Black Friday Sale, the slots have been filling up!

But a common question that I've been getting is:

"Lee, I really don't want to start the program until January. Can I still join?"
Well, as you know, the Black Friday Sale has ended and we're increasing the coaching program prices in January...

But if you've already filled out the application form for a Strategy Session Call, then you'll still qualify for our 50% off Black Friday promo.

However, here's what I'm willing to do if you are not ready to start the program over the holidays.

If you come on board and sign up for the Muscle After 40 Blueprint this week, but don't want to officially start your program until January... Then I won't count the month of December as part of your program!

This means you will get full access to the entire Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program now, but we won't actually start your official coaching program until you're ready in January.

Does that sound like a fair deal?

My vision with the Muscle After 40 Blueprint is to create real world success stories. I would love nothing more than for you to become one of our "Before" and "After" success stories in 2022, just like these guys did in 2021...
Craig lost 45 pounds and got visible 6 pack abs!
Steve lost over 100 pounds in just 1 year!
Jeff achieved a body re-composition and get in his best shape!
Friend, If you'd like to join now and start in January -- then put your name on the list for a FREE Strategy Session Call now.

The Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program is by application only. I only accept guys who are serious about making a permanent change and becoming a "Before" & "After" success story in 2022.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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