Subject: It's not that bad... yet...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Have you ever procrastinated starting that fitness and fat loss program?

Duh... Of Course You Have!

So have I, and so has everyone else at some point or another. It's human nature to procrastinate.

A common theme that I see over and over from people who want to lose weight is...

"It's Not Bad Enough To Change ...Yet..."

Does this internal narrative sound familiar...

"Yeah, I'd like to lose 30 or 40 lbs. But it's not that 'BAD'. Sure, I've got a big belly, but so do all of my friends and family. And besides, I know people who are way bigger than me, so it's not bad enough yet. Compared to most people I see at work - I'm skinny.

Once I start developing some health problems and my doctor tells me that I need to lose weight - then I'll lose weight - but I'm not going to worry about it for now."

Sounds logical right?

After all you're a busy guy, you got stuff to do, you can't go wasting time looking after your health and fitness.

But let me ask you this, what's easier...

Would you rather lose 40 lbs. now?
Try and lose 100+ lbs. in 10 years from now?

It will be much easier, and less stressful to do it now while it's "Not That Bad" vs. continuing to put it off until it gets "Very Bad" and your life is at risk.

If you're overweight right now - then the habits and lifestyle you've been living up until now have been causing you to become overweight.

It's not like you woke up one morning and said: "Where did all this fat come from?"

So if you continue doing what you're doing, you'll continue getting bigger and bigger, until you reach the point of no return.

It's like the smoker who says:

"I'm going to wait until I get lung cancer before I quit smoking."

By the time they get cancer, the damage is already done. Even if they were to successfully "quit" at that stage, it's too late...

To drive this message home, I'd like to share a quote from Lao Tzu...

"Do easy things before they become too hard.
Difficult problems are best solved while they are easy."
- Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu
Do Easy Things NOW Before They Become Too Hard
Over 2,500 years ago Lao Tzu knew best...

Ancient wisdom never goes out of date. Lessons like this apply just as much today, as they did back in the beginning of time.

If you are overweight, out of shape, not happy with your health and fitness - and know that you need to make a change - DO IT NOW - while it's still easy.

Please for your own sake, don't wait until it gets hard to take those actions that you keep putting off and know you need to do.

And if you're stuck in a rut, suffering a case of paralysis by analysis from information overload, and literally "Don't Know What To Do".

Then don't be too proud to reach out and ask for help.

In case you're not aware, I've been in the business of helping guys lose weight, build lean muscle, while improving their health and fitness since 1997. Over the past 24+ years I've helped literally thousands of guys turn their lives around, lose the weight, and get in shape.

If you'd like to see how I can help, just visit my website:

On that page you'll get more information about some simple action steps that you can start doing NOW to get the ball rolling towards building a leaner, healthier, and better version of YOU - before it gets 'Too Bad' and the damage is unrecoverable.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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