Subject: Getting lean is "EASY" - But staying lean is "HARD"

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Losing weight and getting in shape is actually quite simple...

If you can muster up the discipline and will power to eat nothing but boiled chicken and broccoli, do 2+ hours of cardio per day, along with weight training workouts - you will lose weight!

The only problem is putting yourself through that kind of torture is no fun and it's NOT sustainable...

It's fueled by will power and will power never lasts. You will run out of it eventually.

I don't care how motivated or desperate you are to lose weight and see results... If you are relying on will power alone - you are doomed to fail.

Time will take it's toll, break down your motivation, and drain your will power...

While at the same time the temptation to cheat on your diet, the food cravings, and hunger pangs will continue to build up day after day...

Eventually you'll get to the point where you just can't stand the suffering anymore - enough is enough - screw it - it's just not worth it - and when that happens...

You Start Binge Eating & Re-gain All The Weight You Lost...

...usually along with a few pounds more...

Months of dieting to lose it, but only a few weeks of cheating to gain it all back.

I know, because I've done it all myself multiple times...
From Fat - To Ripped - And Back To Fat Again...
Back when I was a competitive bodybuilder - from 1995 to 2011 - I'd go from one extreme to the other year after year...

20 weeks of low carb pre-contest cutting - followed by uncontrollable binge eating - which I used to justify by saying I was "Off Season Bulking".
My body weight would Yo-Yo up and down as much as 50 pounds with every competition I did.

The only thing that kept me on track was knowing that "next year" I would diet down for yet another bodybuilding contest - suffer out another extreme low calorie cutting diet to temporarily get lean, and look good on stage and in the photos...

But as soon as the contest was over, I'd resort back to my old bad habits, binge eat, and re-gain all the weight I lost.

Looking back at it now, the whole process seems so stupid... and it was stupid...

The biggest problem with bodybuilding diets is that they encourage the ALL OR NOTHING mentality...

You're either following some crazy extreme low calorie cutting diet, or there's no diet at all. You're either starving or stuffing, there's no happy medium, no balance - it's not a sustainable way to live and develop healthy eating habits for long term results.
The ALL or NOTHING Trap... You rarely get ALL and usually end up with NOTHING!
The problem with the "ALL OR NOTHING" trap is you very rarely ever get ALL,
and more often than not you end up with NOTHING...

Many of the former competitive bodybuilders that I used to compete with back in the day - guys who would step on stage with shredded six pack abs in their 20's and 30's - are now obese in their 40's and don't even workout anymore because they burned themselves out by going to extremes!

What if there was a "Better Way"?

What if there was a way to avoid the ALL or NOTHING extreme diet approach and enjoy a healthy balance with your eating and exercise routine?

What if you didn't have to be perfect, what if you didn't have to starve yourself and go hungry, what if you could actually enjoy the process?

What if instead of trying to change everything in your life at once with some extreme restrictive cutting diet and endless hours in the gym, you just had to focus on getting 1% better each day?

What if you could get in shape by simplifying the process, rather than over complicating it?

Sound too good to be true?

This is the exact approach that I personally used to go from "Fat" to "Lean" and maintain visible abdominal definition every single day for the past 2 years without any Yo-Yo dieting or weight gain relapses.

If you don't want to be fat anymore and are ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build the lean healthy body you deserve and can feel proud of then click on the link below to take the first step towards improving the future version of YOU...
If you are ready to "Start Over" for the last time and finally claim the gains you deserve... Without Punishing Your Body... Then CLICK HERE!
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

If you don't want to be fat anymore, and are fed up with Yo-Yo dieting - then I might be able to help... If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, then apply at the link below and we'll see if you're a good fit for the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program:

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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