Subject: Carb Cycle Dieting [Step-By-Step]

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

If you've ever followed a fat-loss diet before, then you've dealt with the pain and frustration that comes with trying to cut carbs and calories at the same exact time.

How do I know?

Because just like you and thousands of other people, I've dealt with these SAME frustrations ever since I started dieting for bodybuilding competitions way back in 1995.

Some of the problems with traditional diet plans include:

- Living in a huge calorie deficit and feeling hungry all the time.

- Constantly feeling run down and carb depleted with zero energy.

- Depriving yourself of your favourite foods you love to eat.

- Missing out on all the fun stuff like social events, parties, and family gatherings.

- Feeling restricted and inconvenienced with limiting food choices day after day after day.

- A sluggish and slowing metabolism.

- Suppressed fat burning hormones that block your body from burning bodyfat.

- Loss of strength and loss of lean muscle tissue.

- Unhealthy obsessions over food and constantly worrying about what you're putting in your body.

Now perhaps you've heard that in order to avoid all these painful consequences and lose bodyfat you should just avoid carbs altogether and eat more like a caveman. Wrong!

Or maybe you've heard that you need to cut calories later in the evening and stop eating carbs late at night before bed. Wrong - AGAIN.

In fact, these are the EXACT opposite steps you should be taking in order to "reboot" your metabolism and keep your hormones "healthy", happy, and burning bodyfat.

And if you've ever tried to "Diet" by cutting carbs and calories, research now shows there's over a 90% chance that your metabolism has been radically altered and damaged.

But not anymore...

That's because my colleague and fat loss coach Shaun Hadsall, has just released his brand new 4 Cycle Solution System.

This is an eight week Step-By-Step Carb Cycling System that uses a revolutionary nutrition method called Macro-PatterningTM, which shows you exactly how to overcome all this dieting nonsense and heal ANY damage you may have done from previous crash dieting.

In fact, when you use Macro-PatterningTM it's easy to eat LOADS of carbs (at the right times) and NEVER store them as bodyfat.

I'm a HUGE fan of carb cycling diet plans for rapid fat loss. In fact, I consider Carb-Cycling to be my secret weapon for getting ripped to the bone shredded for bodybuilding competition.

But now with Shaun's new 4 Cycle Solution System you can take things to the next level of precision for accelerated fat loss results.

Here's an overview of how this system works...

Cycle 1 - The 7 Day Carb Depletion Diet:
"Shut off" your body's dependence on sugars and make bodyfat your "go to" energy source to visually SEE your belly get flatter in just 7 short days.

Cycle 2 - The Macro-PatterningTM Cycle:
Use LOTS of carbs to accelerate fat-loss and maintain a fat burning environment round the cock 24/7. No more plateaus. No more metabolic slowdown. No more suffering from traditional low carb trendy diets.

Cycle 3 - The Accelerated Fat-Loss Cycle:
Because your body is super smart it can adapt very quickly. This is the first fat-loss cycle ever designed to overcome EVERY type of plateau of sticking point the body uses to stop you from losing weight so you STAY on the fat-loss fast track.

Cycle 4 - The "Diet Break":
By this point you'll have overcame every type of adaptive response related to burning stubborn body fat. Now it's time to put your fat-loss on cruise control by enjoying happy hour every Friday and even using all your favourite Cheat Foods
through the weekend - WITHOUT suffering any rebound weight gain.

Following this system is literally like your very own "mini" PhD and becoming an expert on Carb Cycling for rapid fat loss!

So if you really want to blast away that stubborn bodyfat WITHOUT old-school "dieting" or wreaking havoc on your metabolism, you need to get yourself a copy of the 4 Cycle Solution right here:

all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Lee Hayward
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CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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