Subject: 📌BIG NEWS about the Black Friday Muscle After 40 Re-Comp Program...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Over the last week I've gotten a flood of questions about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program and what we're doing for the BLACK FRIDAY PROMO.

So while I have some down time in between designing customized programs and having coaching calls with my students, I'm going to quickly answer some of your questions here...
# 1. - What exactly is Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp BLACK FRIDAY PROMO all about?

The purpose of the Muscle After 40 Blueprint is to help you not only get lean and "Lose Your Gut". But do so while also filling out your frame with lean muscle and achieving a body re-composition. So that you can finally feel confident in your own skin and be proud of how your body looks.

The unique thing about our approach is this is NOT an extreme "Cutting Diet" where you suffer it out in the short term and quickly lose a bunch of weight...
Only to run out of will power, fall off the rails, and balloon back up regaining all the weight back again a few months later (i.e. the typical Yo-Yo diet syndrome).

Instead we use a progressive and sustainable habit based system that will show you how to lose the fat and build lean muscle consistently - but the progress you make is the progress you keep!

The result is you'll not only get in shape - but more importantly - stay in shape and maintain your results for life without feeling like you're suffering it out on some starvation cutting diet or ball busting workout plan.

#2. - What new tricks do you have up your sleeve compared to all the other Black Friday Promo's?

First off, every time I release a program I ask myself:

"How can I over deliver and give you 10X the value of your investment?"

So it's worthwhile for you - and the Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp Program is in a league of its own for that.

Like all of the programs I've released over the years, each one has its own methodology and techniques - and this one is no different. Here's some unique features of the program...

Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp Protocol…

=> Metabolic Reset Nutrition Phase.
This will optimize your eating and fuel your your body for sustainable strength, energy, and appetite control - allowing you to train harder, gain muscle, and accelerate fat loss!

=> High Octane Pre-Workout Nutrition Strategies.
We'll map out exactly what you should eat before your workouts so that you power through your gym sessions without feeling drained, tired, or sluggish.

=> How To "Humanize Your Eating" for real life situations.
You'll get a blueprint for how to eat at restaurants, at family dinners, and over the holidays - so you don't end up being "That Guy" who's on a diet.

=> Alternating Muscle Building and Fat Burning Workouts using my Yin & Yang Training Method.

=> How to use Mini Workouts for Maximum Results!
Note: this was my Ace Up The Sleeve strategy that allowed me to lose my "Dad Bod" and get back in shape after 40 - while raising a family and working full time.

=> Daily Metabolic Mobility Routine.
Use this to increase your flexibility, reduce joint pain, and help you move better with more comfort and ease.

Plus several more surprises!

The Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp program is designed for hard working family men. Guys who have been so busy taking care of their family, putting a roof over their heads, and food on the table - that they have neglected their own health and fitness in the process - and now desperately need a realistic and sustainable action plan to get back in shape.

My mission is to help you become the type of man who is lean, healthy, strong and sets a positive example of health and fitness for your family.

That's my #1 fitness goal at this stage... I don't want to be a burden to my family - and I certainly don't want my son growing up with a fat out of shape dad - and thinking that it's "OK" to neglect his health and fitness as he grows up.

I want to lead by example and be a real life role model that my family can look up to and be proud of - and I'm sure you do as well (or you wouldn't be reading this now).

#3. - Are there any bonuses?

YES - we've got some big plans on how to make the Muscle After 40 Re-Comp Program better than ever before!

The best one is a "Build Your Perfect Diet Together" zoom call training.

This will literally take all the guesswork out of your nutrition. Together we'll go through your entire day and map out exactly what to eat and when to eat it based on; your fitness goals, your food likes / dislikes, your schedule, your workout routine, and your lifestyle.

This Bonus Training alone is worth the price of the program. SUPER PROUD of this one it's been a game changer for my coaching students who have already gone through it, and I know you're going to love it as well.

However, this Black Friday Special offer isn't going to last forever...

But for a limited time you can save 50% off the regular price of the Muscle After 40 Re-Comp Program during Black Friday.

If you STILL have questions... here's what I recommend:

...DON'T Try And Decide Right Now if this is right for you...

Instead, just reach out to me and we'll do a FREE - BODY TRANSFORMATION ASSESSMENT to see if you're a good fit for the Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp Program.

This way you won't miss out on the deal of the year - that will literally be life changing for those who take action and follow through!

If you're excited to see what I have planned to help you lose your gut and fill out your frame with lean muscle - so you can finally feel confident in your own skin, then be on the lookout for my next few emails so you don't miss out on this ONE TIME INSANELY GOOD OFFER.

And again, as an extra bonus - I'm giving away a FREE - BODY TRANSFORMATION ASSESSMENT to those who reach out and email me TODAY.

All you have to do is send me an email (reply to this message) with the words "BLACK FRIDAY" and I'll send you all the details...
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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