Subject: 4 Killer Tricks to get BIGGER Arms

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips

Hey Friend,

Would you like to have bigger more muscular arms?

Of course you would... having big, muscular arms that stretch your shirtsleeves will NEVER EVER go out of style. And as a quick reminder when you pick up a copy of Ben Pakulski's MI40 System you'll also get his complete 21-day workout to BIGGER ARMS

This is the same workout that Ben used when training for the Arnold Classic to help him pack TWO INCHES of solid mass on his upper arms! Heck, I would be happy with just gaining another 1/2 an inch!  

And to help you with filling out those shirt sleeves, here are 4 killer tricks for building BIGGER ARMS from IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski.

Small muscles require less volume, and recover faster. Basic logic says, a smaller muscle has less overall total volume of muscle fibers. It takes LESS overall stimulus to fatigue these muscles and less overall training volume to exhaust glycogen stores (stored muscle energy).


Heavy weights are going to fatigue a greater overall percentage of muscle fibers in a shorter amount of time (aka less sets). Heavy weights also have the added benefit of stimulating "high threshold motor units". These are the muscle fibres that require a lot more stimulus to grow and respond, but also the fibers that are more likely to be responsible for muscle hypertrophy or GROWTH!


Arms receive a lot of stimulus on a regular basis. For most people, this tends to occur in the middle of the range of motion where the muscles are strongest. In order to get the arms to grow and respond, it is necessary to subject them to a different type of stimulus. One of the best ways to improve arm development is to subject them to more tension and continuous tension at the extremes of the range of motion (a.k.a, when a muscle is fully lengthened or fully shortened --where muscles are weakest). This will allow for greater time under tension as well as targeting different points of the strength curve to force the nervous system to adapt and stimulate new muscle growth.


The FIRST muscle to engage in ANY movement must be the muscle you are trying to target. If you are working your biceps, to most effectively stimulate the bicep, it must be the muscle to initiate the movement. As mentioned, muscles are weakest at those extremes and that makes it LEAST likely to contract. This is where your conscious intent and control is vital! The best way to ensure this is happening is to CONTRACT its antagonist muscle. This will ensure a fully lengthened working muscle and make it much more likely that it will initiate the movement (provided you're using proper control).

For example, when working your biceps, to fully stretch your biceps at the bottom of the range, it is necessary to contract your triceps before initiating the movement of contracting your biceps again. The opposite is true when training triceps. Contract your biceps at the top of the range when your triceps are fully stretched (forearm touches biceps).

Well there you go, 4 Killer Tricks to help you build Bigger Arms!

You only have 24 hours left to get Ben's 21 Days to BIGGER ARMS workout for FREE when you pick up a copy of his MI40 muscle building system! The same program that helped him develop his pro caliber physique and stand out at the Arnold Classic this past weekend.

Friend if you're tired of busting your butt in the gym with little to show, tired of seeing the other guys at the gym getting bigger and can't even remember the last time you had a growth spurt... you would be insane not to give this a shot! If a 275 pound pro has room to grow, I'm sure you do too!

Get the full story here... Even if you don't want to buy the program, there is some brilliant info
on Ben's website that will show you how to start making improvements in your physique now:
MI40 System + 21 Days to Bigger Arms Workout <<== TODAY Only!
all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

MI40 is a complete 40-day blueprint designed to double your gains in half the time, smash any plateau, add muscle to your "lagging" body part... and you'll do it without losing your abs!
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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