Subject: 3 Tips to enjoy the 4th without Blowing Your Diet

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

For my American friends, the 4th of July is one of the biggest celebrations of the year... And I want you to enjoy yourself, but be smart about it so you don't de-rail your fitness and fat loss progress.

Here's some simple strategies that I've used to enjoy family dinners and celebrations without getting fat in the process:

#1 - Slow Down...

When you're eating purposely slow down and enjoy your food. Choose smaller portions, but savor the food, chew it more, take your time, and really embrace the taste and texture of the food you're eating.

A big mistake a lot of guys make is they eat too darn fast, woof down a lot of food in a hurry, and never really savor or enjoy it. By eating slower and enjoying your food more you can get more "Time Under Taste" and achieve the same level of eating satisfaction - if not more - while consuming less total food and calories.

(TIP: slow down and enjoy your food, because the second helping isn't going to taste any better than the first.)

#2 - Fill Up On Veggies & Lean Protein...

When selecting your food, make sure to fill up on the healthy options first. Garden salads, fresh fruit, lean protein, etc. Then after you've pre-filled your belly with the good stuff, you can enjoy some of the "not so good" foods afterwards. This tip alone will make sticking to a healthy eating plan a lot easier - while still satisfying your cravings.

#3 - Get Back On Track For Your Very Next Meal...

And the most important part... On July 5th - make sure to get back on track with your regular eating and exercise routine... Don't delay - get back on track ASAP!

Most people beat themselves up emotionally when they get off track and "cheat". This oftens lead to several days of binge eating and causes A LOT of damage.

But if you commit to getting back on track for your very next meal, or at the very least - the very next day. You can minimize a lot of the damage done while still satisfying your cravings and not feeling like you're depriving yourself on a restrictive diet.

By implementing these 3 simple tips you can enjoy celebrations and special family meals without totally blowing your diet, de-railing your progress, and feeling guilty afterwards.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


If you would like to get a step-by-step fat loss action plan - then I made a special video presentation that covers the 3 things that you "MUST" do in order to achieve a lasting fitness and fat loss transformation, without having to resort to starvation diets or extreme workout routines in the gym. Click Here to watch the video!
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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