Subject: Wanna quick fix for stress?

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Are you more Zombie than human? Have you tried this quick fix?   
Under stress and anxiety, the body tenses up. It freezes. It stops what it was doing. It can halt or slow down even your basic body functions such as digestion, consistent blood flow, and your cognitive processes.


Stress is a Zombie maker. 

Living under stress and anxiety means you don’t even have access to the emotional resources you need to stay well.

Here's what you need to set things straight right now. A quick fix!
Thanks, Friend, for checking in this week. Grab your opportunity for an Introductory Session by contacting me HERE. 

In wellness,

Sue Ingebretson
Your Rebuilding Wellness
Holistic Health Practitioner

Rebuilding Wellness, PO Box 18894, Anaheim, CA 92817, United States
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