Subject: [June newsletter] Featured Globetrotter // MPOWER Jiu-Jitsu

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BJJ Globetrotters Newsletter // June 2021
Dear Globetrotters,

Only five days to go before our first, full size camp since the before the pandemic; the USA Camp in Maine. I'm nervous and excited at the same time, and I can't wait to get there and get on the mats with so many friends I haven't seen for so long.

In general, things are starting to look really, really good for our upcoming camps. Traveling and training restrictions are loosening up and we fully expect to host every camp we have planned, without issues. On our website, we have now made an easy overview of up-to-date status for each of the camps, go take a look at :)

Most noticeably, we have gotten full permission to host our big Summer Camp in Germany in July. A classic camp in a beautiful town. Germany is currently allowing European travelers to enter with a negative test, vaccine or antibodies, so it will be easy for people to get there. It is expected that the borders will also open for non-Europeans soon this summer!

Anyway, I gotta start packing!

Have a fantastic day,

What you'll find in this month's newsletter:

  • Featured Globetrotter: Geeta Bhat
  • Globetrotters Academy in Focus: MPOWER Jiu-Jitsu
Iceland now open to tourists from all countries with vaccine/antibodies!
Current ticket availability: Less than 20 tickets left
Ever wrestled a Viking? Relaxed after a long day of rolling in an open air hot spring? Trained at the largest grappling and MMA gym in the world? Tick all these and more off your Jiu Jitsu bucket list in one of the most spectacularly scenic countries on Earth.
Sign up for the free online premiere of our documentary!
The Gentle Art of Travel is following the BJJ Globetrotters camps behind the scenes over the course of one full year and 12 training camps around the world. Sign up now to receive an invitation for the free online premiere. 
Featured Globetrotter: Geeta Bhat
Age: 45

Belt: Purple

Profession: Dentist for children

How many years in BJJ: 9 and counting

Other martial arts: None

Where do you live: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Where are you from: New York State, USA

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: My fan name is Jiu-Jitsu Cowgirl. I love to train Jiu-Jitsu but I'm also passionate about country-western dancing and can Two-Step and West Coast Swing with the best of them. I boast an impressive collection of cowgirl boots. 
Tell us what inspired you to travel and train? 
After I had children I lost 75lbs through diet and exercise, and Jiu-Jitsu was part of my get-fit journey. I live a super busy life, so I made a decision to train Jiu-Jitsu faithfully twice a week (no more and no less) starting in 2012, and I've been training consistently since then for 9 years with no breaks. Even on a limited schedule I managed to win the IBJJF Masters Worlds at blue 3 times for my age group, with double gold in 2019. I’m so proud of that. I also love the social aspect of Jiu-Jitsu. There is nothing I love more than going to class to talk, laugh, hang out, and maybe get some rolling in. The ability to go anywhere in the world and drop in and train and meet new people is priceless. I try to train wherever in the world I go, and even got to train in Ireland and India.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I enjoy bike adventures, so I most recently rode the Kentucky Bourbon trail along with a bike trip through Oregon. I will admit that I cheat with an e-bike, but sometimes we all need a little boost! I also went to St. Barts for the Globetrotters Carribean camp this past February, and last week I just got back from a trip to Las Vegas… just because!

My upcoming travel plans include a bike trip through Ojai Valley in Santa Barbara, a beach trip to South Beach Miami, and a visit to NYC to see my college friends.
What are the things you enjoy about traveling?
I’m a huge foodie. Also meeting people, socializing, relaxing, and a change of scenery.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training? 
I just got back from the Globetrotters St. Barts Trip and still talk to people I met on that trip even after the fact... shout out to campers Charles and Natasha! Especially with social media, you find that people you know, know other people you know, and it just snowballs into a big community.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
How easy it was to make friends and meet people. I was the oldest camper (even older than the coaches) at the camp but I never felt out of place. I just thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip? 
Not even close! I live large and make no apologies for it. There were people at the camp from all economic backgrounds and no one was judged, period.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be? 
Do it! You will be happy you did. I just signed up for Castle Camp in Italy and I cannot wait!

Summer Camp in Germany is 100% on and quarantine-free travel from the EU is possible with a test, vaccine or proof of recovery
* July 26th to 31st, 2021 *
* In Heidelberg, Germany *
* Full week summer BJJ camp *
* Our biggest camp of the year *
* One hour from Frankfurt am Main airport *
* Huge mat space in a beautiful old university town *
* Six-day training camp *
* Gi and no-gi classes all day long *
* Several daily mega open mats *
* Daily workshops and lectures *
* High-level international instructors *
* Yoga sessions every morning *
* BJJ Globetrotters documentary world premiere in cinema *
* Classic wrestling styles competition *
* On-site accommodation available *
* Meal plan available *
* Free professional portrait service/photo booth *
* Free beer at final open mat *
* All experience levels and affiliations welcome! *

We're returning to Arizona in November with a FULL WEEK camp!
* November 15th to 20th in Tempe, Arizona *
* 15 minutes from Phoenix International Airport *
* Now FULL WEEK of training *
* Gi and no-gi classes all day long *
* Daily workshops and lectures *
* Outdoor BBQ in gym’s back yard *
* Yoga classes *
* Extra mat space for all-day open mat / drilling *
* Free professional portrait service/photo booth *
* All experience levels and affiliations welcome! *

Bring your family for a beautiful BJJ summer holiday in the Alps!
* August 18-22 in Wagrain, Austria *
* One hour from Salzburg airport *
* Beautiful location in the middle of the Alps *
* Five days of training *
* Four nights accommodation *
* Families welcome *
* Daily class and open mat for kids *
* Yoga classes *
* All meals included *
* Daily workshops, lectures and movie nights *
* 24-hr free fruit and non-alcoholic beverages *
* Extra mat space for all-day open mat / drilling *
* Free laundry service for training gear *
* Free access to water park next door *
* Garden party with BBQ & beer on last night *

BJJ Globetrotters Academy in Focus: 
MPOWER Jiu-Jitsu 
Where is the gym located?
Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.

How many people train there?
We currently have 20 members training and are slowly but steadily growing our numbers.

Is the gym growing - if so by how many new members each month or year?
We are approaching our one year anniversary this June and have been slowly growing our numbers with three to six new members every few months.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
The highest belt grade here is a purple belt and the lowest being fairly new white belts. We also have two resident blue belts who have trained at notable gyms in the United States such as the Renzo Gracie Academy in New York City and Ryan Hall’s 50/50 in Virginia.

When did the gym open?
June 2020.
Some facts about you:

Name: Christopher Andrei Abello Alfonso
Age: 24
Belt: Purple
Profession: Hospital Administrator/Business Owner
Years in BJJ: 5 and a half
Other martial arts: Briefly trained in Muay Thai and currently training Boxing
Currently living in: Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Originally from: Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
I started training as a New Year's resolution back in 2016 after being recommended to by a cousin who trains BJJ as well while attending college in the United States. I graduated in 2019 and returned home to Pohnpei for work and was bummed about not having anywhere to train at. I traveled around quite a bit for work and would always pack a gi and rash guard with me in hopes of finding a place to train at wherever work would send me.

Once the pandemic started near the beginning of 2020, the Federated States of Micronesia implemented strict travel restrictions and has not allowed any inbound travelers for more than a year now and continues to be one of the last few places in the world that are free of Covid-19. I luckily made it in before these strict travel restrictions went into effect but was essentially grounded and no longer able to travel for work. I found myself with a bunch of free time and decided to begin building the first and only BJJ club in the country.  

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
Our members range from high school students to working professionals in their respective fields. The majority of our members are high school students, but we’ve recently gotten a few adult members into the mix as well.

Why do they train?
They train for the same reasons why many of us who train BJJ started training in the first place. To learn self defense, lose weight, and de-stress after a hectic day of work/classes

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
I think the hardest thing about running a BJJ gym/club here in Pohnpei is our location and how geographically isolated we are. The cost of having things like mats and gis shipped here is not cheap. Taking members out to compete in tournaments abroad in the future would also prove to be quite expensive as well due to our geographic location.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
I would like for us to have an even bigger mat space with even more members in the future. I would also like to see our more senior white belts take a more active role in coaching beginners in the future. Once our country’s travel restrictions are lifted and in-bound travel is allowed, I will have to resume traveling for work again and would feel comfortable knowing that there are members I can count on to hold down the fort while I am away on work. Another thing I would like to do in the future is to take a few members out to compete and represent the FSM in regional and international BJJ tournaments.

What’s the best thing about your gym?
I think the best thing about the gym is the culture we’ve cultivated here. Everyone is super nice and welcoming and you'd be able to get a solid roll out of any of our members here. I think the second best thing about our club is that training is free. I started the club, ordered the mats and gis, and run the classes alongside my cousin who recommended I start training in the first place. Training BJJ and other martial arts has done a lot for me as a person. It taught me what hard work was, discipline, and all the other benefits you usually hear people mention about training. It helped me with both my physical and mental health, made me a much more confident person, and allowed me to make lifelong friends from all over the world. It’s why I continue to train and why I hope it does the same for our members and anyone who decides to begin training as well.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
If you’re a fan of the outdoors and love being near or out on the water, there is tons to do here. From world class surfing and scuba diving/snorkeling to hiking to picturesque waterfalls, to even booking an overnight fishing trip/stay at one the nearby islands. We also have the mysterious ruins of Nan Madol to explore which recently became a UNESCO World Heritage site and is often referred to as the Venice of the Pacific.


Thanks for sharing! If you'd like to visit MPOWER Jiu-Jitsu, you can find them here.
Make your custom gis, patches and rashguards at our dedicated BJJ Globetrotters factory
It can be a mess to try and find a manufacturer of BJJ gear that you can trust on quality, delivery and attention to detail. 

You can burn a lot of money going through samples from the many thousands of factories in Asia, trying to find one that will provide you with the product as you’ve imagined it. We know, because we’ve been through it all, ourselves!