Subject: Exclusive, limited edition fundraiser gis pre-order: Sunset, Midnight and Super Freedom Denim

It is no secret that it's a bit of a challenge to run a Jiu Jitsu travel business or gi factory these days, so we have been a little creative recently :)

  • Special edition Sunset, Midnight and Super Freedom gis available for pre-order. Production funds will be sent to the factory immediately, to support the workers and their families while it is closed. The original Sunset gi was first released back in 2013 and we stopped producing it because of the complexity and very low profit margin. The last two weeks, we have been working on bringing it back in a few new versions. Price is at a premium; we want to be able to send as much money to the workers as we can, while not putting too much pressure on production once they re-open. These gis will not be offered again at a later point.

  • Lifetime "Certificate of Support" gift vouchers at any amount now available. Can be redeemed against camp tickets or warehouse products at any time before the world ends.
All support is highly appreciated!!

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