Subject: [funny] My Top 20 Excuses Why New Years Resolutions End in Failure...

20. I wasn't getting enough to eat on one diet so I had to go on three.

19. It's winter and I need the extra insulation to keep warm.

18. I went to the gym and somebody was on my machine so I
realized everything happens for a reason and it wasn't meant to be.

17. I went to the gym and there was no lifeguard on duty in
case the rowing machine sank.

16. Turns out I didn't really mean it.

15. My other resolution to quit being a cranky jerk all the time
wasn't working with my low-carb diet.

14. There was a big game on...Wheel of Fortune is a game, right?

13. If I fix everything about me now, I'll have nothing to resolve
for next year.

12. I figured since rice cakes don't have many calories, the same
was true of other cakes. Like fudge cake. And pancakes. With
syrup. And fudge.

11. My personal trainer called and said if I didn't show up for
my session on Friday, don't bother showing up on Monday.
YES. 4 day weekend.

10. No ashtrays on the treadmills at the gym. How do they expect
me stay on that thing for an hour without a cigarette?

9. I accidentally added the holes back into my donuts.

8. I ordered 3 different ab training informercial products and
now my stomach is 3 times the size it was.

7. The economy is in such rough shape, I can't afford the new
clothes I'll have to buy as I get smaller.

6. I have to buy junk foods "for the kids" even though I don't have kids.

5. I messed up and ate a chip on Day 2 so I gave up until next January.

4. I need to get in better shape before I can join a get
in better I can join a get in better shape...

3. I made a resolution to give up drinking so I could lose weight
but I did it while I was drunk.

2. I don't want to insult my co-workers by not eating birthday cake
at the office...even if I have to bring it myself.

1. An NSA drone just delivered a pizza.


Now promise me you won't use any of these yourself ;)...

If you want to start the New Year off RIGHT, I've 7 FREE gifts from
myself and six other top fitness trainers on the web.

Happy New Year!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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