Subject: The story of the fitness pro who couldn't see his own feet...

...yep, he had fallen off the wagon HARD.

His gut was hanging over his belt...

He was considering buying those "elastic waist" pants because
his waist had crept up from 32 to 36 to over 40...

And the worst part was, he was FOOLING himself about it...

"It's not so bad" he would say...

...until one morning his wife posted THIS cartoon on the
refrigerator door...

At that moment, he felt just like that poor guy in the cartoon...
standing there in denial and fooling nobody but himself.

And that same day, he made a vow.

He was going to do whatever it took to lose all his extra weight.

To get his energy back, his confidence back and his LIFE back...
or die trying.

Read the rest of his story here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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