Subject: Strong muscles can actually be CAUSING your back pain...(yep, for real)

Right now, even as you sit there reading this
message, there's a battle going on inside
your body.

Your muscles are competing (dare I say FIGHTING) with
each other in a game of "Tug of War." Over time, some of
your muscles grow stronger and some grow weaker.

And this "battle" continues until your muscles are so out of
balance that they actually cause pain…including back pain.

Believe it or not, this is the reason that having strong muscles
can actually HURT you. It's not the strength of the muscle
that matters so much as the balance between them.

If they're out of balance, you end up with PAIN.

Now, if you suffer from back pain, I've got a book that you'll
definitely want to pick up...

It's called "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure"… by Jesse Cannone.

In it, Jesse reveals some of the secrets to dealing with back
pain… without drugs, injections or expensive surgeries.

I've known Jesse literally since the dawn of the Internet (2001)...
and he's an absolute authority on the subject...I hate to say his
life revolves around back pain but it kinda does :).

Consider this the book the medical establishment DOESN'T want
you to read...because it'll help you get rid of the pain WITHOUT
medical intervention.

The book itself is free...Jesse is just asking for a small shipping
fee to help cover some of his costs in getting it to you.

I've got a copy of it and I think it's excellent info...very effective
stuff that can help you live a BETTER, pain-free life.

Grab your free copy of the 7 Day Back Pain Cure here...
(with a small S&H fee)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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