Subject: Spot it possible?

Well, the answer is YES...ish.

And here's why...

First, think about the worst-offender trouble spots
on your body right handles...lower
stomach...back fat...forehead (ok, maybe not forehead),

If you physically touch these areas, you may notice
that they're actually ICE cold. And that’s because
“stubborn” fat lacks substantial blood flow.

Circulation is absolutely critical for your body to access
and make use of this fat. If your circulation in that area
stinks, that fat is going to be much harder for your
body to burn.

However...that being said, there IS published research
to indicate that blood flow and lipolysis (burning of
fat) are higher in pockets of fat that are adjacent to
contracting muscles. (Stallknecht, 2007).

From a practical perspective, this means if you train
the muscles near your trouble spot areas the right
way, at the right time, the fat on the outside of that
area can potentially be "burned off" first...which
means you can potentially burn off stubborn fat
from your WORST problem areas.

==> Here's a 3 step “spot reduction” protocol to target your trouble spots (STUDY)

Now, here's where the "ish" that I mentioned comes in...

If you just train one specific area, you're not going
to completely burn all the fat off only that area. This
"spot reduction" effect doesn't mean you'll lose ONLY
the fat from your love handles and nothing else will
get burned.

You'll get some degree of localized effect when you
use that 3 step spot reduction protocol, but the body
will never just burn fat from ONLY one specific area
and nowhere else. The goal here is to encourage
your body (through training) to access a bit more fat
from that area than it normally would.

And when done over time, I think it DOES have the
potential to give you some level of spot reduction...
definitely more so than you would achieve with
conventional training alone.

So yeah, it's not spot reduction like liposuction or
anything like that...but there IS potential here and I
think it's worth exploring, especially if you do have
stubborn fat pockets you have a hard time getting rid of.

If you're interested, here's the full reference to
that study I mentioned.

[Stallknecht B, et al. Are blood flow and lipolysis in
subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by
contractions in adjacent muscles in humans? American
Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism.
2007 Feb;292(2):E394-9.]

And here's the link again to the article with the 3 step spot reduction protocol.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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