Subject: Software to "create your own workout"...(this works)

NOTE: Got a quick email here for you from my "go to" Doctor
of Physical Therapy, Dr. Kareem Samhouri. Besides being a
good friend of mine, I consider Dr. K to be one of my mentors
when it comes to knowlege about how the muscles function
and move...he's that good.

I've asked Dr. Kareem to extend this sale to you. Please see
the email below for more details.



You’re the bomb.

As a Thank You, here's 75% OFF one of my absolute most
popular programs:

I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate you, how
important you are to me for helping make this world a
healthier place, or possibly explain why this is so meaningful
for me. My uncle who's going blind from diabetes recently
told me:

Good health is an invisible crown on the healthy that only those who don't have it see.

I think this best explains why I’m so driven to help you;
I’ve seen poor health in my own family, experienced it with
my own body, and figured out a solution. This solution was
simplified in every way possible when my team and I
developed "Create My Workout."

Create My Workout does the following:

  • Lets you choose your workout goal, so you don’t end up
    buying multiple programs. Every six weeks, you should
    be mixing up your workout goal to keep your body
    guessing and getting results; CMW makes this easy.

  • Gives you video instruction with proper form demonstration,
    common form mistakes, etc. on every exercise you do.

  • Records your data, allows you to share with friends
    across the world or country so you can work out
    together, and get results -- together!

  • Lets you print your workouts, so you can bring them
    to the gym with you.

  • Most importantly, it sorts through all the confusing
    information about "the best way to build your workout"
    and builds it for you, designed by me, a Doctor of
    Physical Therapy and Kinesiologist.

WARNING: Designing workouts is a bit like investing. If you
don't see a return, you're not going to keep doing it; on the
other hand, the less effort, and higher return, the more likely
you are to keep exercising. CMW applies "my" methods to
"automated workouts'" and gets you ridiculously fast results.

And, this week, it’s 75% OFF, as a Thank You

Not only are we working together to improve health
worldwide, but my family and I eat, travel, and live because
of your support. My happiness, and your commitment, are
linked. My priority remains your health.

75% Blowout Sale on Create My Workout -- Thank You


Nick Nilsson
The "Ma
d Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

Plain text links from this email:

I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook fan page and subscribe to my
YouTube channel for more free exercises and training techniques.

You might be missing emails from me! Click here to learn how to
whitelist my emails, to ensure you receive everything I send to you.


More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.
