Subject: My new book..."30-Second Ab-Solution"...and how to get it FREE...

I'm pretty excited about this...I just finished
putting together a brand new book called
the "30-Second Ab-Solution"
...and it's packed
with some REALLY cool new abdominal training info.

This is not your typical "flat abs" book/program that
is full of crunches and B.S.

Not even close...

I put this book together with one overriding goal in
mind...I wanted to give you a PRACTICAL way
to get a flat stomach and tighter midsection...

  • WITHOUT having to do typical ab workouts that
    have you grunting and screaming on the floor,
  • WITHOUT performing exercises (like crunches)
    that work the abdominal muscles in ways that
    won't even flatten your abs
  • WITHOUT exercises that can strain your
    back (like sit-ups)
  • and WITHOUT having to spend a whole lot of
    time doing it

The exercises are easy enough for TOTAL beginners to
use, yet are easily adjusted to be challenging enough
for intermediate to advanced trainers to benefit from.

The exercises are doable just about ANYWHERE,
including sitting at your desk at the office...(heck,
nobody will even know you're training your abs while
you're sitting in a meeting...seriously).

And the best only takes 30 seconds at a time
to do
...not even long enough to break a sweat, which
is why you really CAN do them anywhere.

Now, believe me, I know this sounds like late-night
TV informercial hype.

But you know's for real. These are legit
exercises that target the deep muscles of the core
to effectively tighten up and strengthen the midsection.

Here's the thing, though...

Even these cool exercises WON'T get you a completely
flat stomach on their own.

They'll absolutely help tighten up the MUSCLES of
your midsection, but they won't burn nearly enough
calories to actually result in fat loss...and we all know
fat-loss is the REAL key to a flat stomach.

So as good as this book is with one aspect of
abdominal training, you also need an effective overall
fat-loss approach to fully get the flat stomach and
lean abs you're looking for.

And that's where Xtreme Fat Loss comes in.

This is an excellent 25-day fat-loss program put
together by my friends and colleagues Shaun Hadsall,
Joel Marion and Dan Long.

I'll be the first to tell you, this program is NOT
easy and NOT for everyone.

However, if you're looking for fast results and you're
willing to WORK for those results (and believe me,
with this program you will work), this is a program
you're going to want to get.

Now, it's not a "starvation diet" program...the training
and eating patterns are actually very targeted and
scientifically based...they're also designed to
preserve muscle mass while dropping fat, which is
a critical thing that many fat-loss programs miss.

This program IS extreme...but it's extremely
effective. It can absolutely help you drop a lot of
fat fast.

So what I've decided to do is give you a copy of
my new "30-Second Ab-Solution" FREE when you
order a copy of "Xtreme Fat Loss."

They've put together some excellent bonuses to go
with it and I wanted to make sure and give you
even MORE value for your dollar by contributing
one of my own, too.

To qualify for your free book, just make sure to click
through one of the links in this email when you go to order,
then forward your email receipt to
We'll send you a copy of the book right away!

Get your copy of Xtreme Fat Loss and my
30-Second Ab-Solution here...


Nick Ni
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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