Subject: Best-Seller Deconstructed has been Updated

A couple people who purchased the "Deconstructing a Best Seller" report complained to me that they could not afford to hire a literary agent to represent their books.

Imagine my surprise to hear people saying that hiring an agent is too expensive, when industry standards require that agents do not charge their clients money upfront...

So technically, any literary agent that tells you that you must pay money in advance to get their help is someone who is not certified by the Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR) or doesn't plan on making any money from the publication of your book.

Because so many people objected to the perceived cost of hiring a literary agent, I have added a new chapter to the report to discuss this matter in greater detail.

You can get the updated version of this report HERE:

Thank you for your continuing feedback. In the long run, it enables me to create better guides for you.

Bill Platt