Subject: New Residents Join Belger Arts, Fall Classes, and Wood Fire Workshop!

Belger Arts Welcomes Our New Artists-in-Residence!
As Fall approaches, we are proud to announce our incoming residents! Our Career Residents this year are Elaine Buss and Kate Schroeder, and our Foundation Residents are Christen Baker, Pierce Haley, and Wansoo Kim. Be sure to stop by the studio to meet the artists and see what they're working on!
About the Red Star Residency Program
Belger Arts continues to host national and international artists through its Red Star Residency program. A residency provides ceramic artists the opportunity to expand their body of work or create a special project that may be outside the scope of their routine studio practice. The residency program gives driven, self-directed artists opportunities for rigorous professional development and enhanced self-sufficiency practices. Within the studio community, resident artists engage in constructive dialogue and immerse themselves in their work. Residents foster the development of the studio’s creative environment and create outreach opportunities within the local community. Outreach opportunities include teaching classes or workshops, giving public presentations, and critiques. Through community involvement, residents create educational opportunities for the appreciation and critical understanding of ceramics, thus employing and evolving Belger Arts as an innovative, artistic resource.
Bede Clarke Workshop: The Basics and Beyond
This combined demonstration and hands-on workshop will focus on wheel forming skills such as: throwing various forms based on cylinder/bowl/plate, lids, handles, spouts and trimming. In addition, we will explore enhanced throwing skills and concepts such as altered forms, inverted throwing, gesture and "skin" of the pot as well as strategies for creating sets or groupings of pots. Much of the forms and surfaces will be geared toward successful work fired in a wood kiln. Through demonstrations, hands-on studio work and group discussion we will seek to improve wheel throwing skills, but more, we will seek to clarify strategies for creating articulate pottery forms. The course will be suitable for beginning through advanced experience levels.

New Adult Classes Coming This Fall!
Woodfired Pottery
Have you ever wanted to paint your pottery with fire? You’ll have your chance in this class! We will be discussing and making pots that have the best results from fire-kissed wood ash and flame patterns. Presentations, physical examples and demonstrations will give you the inspiration to make your clay pieces harmonize with this atmospheric process of firing. During the eight week class, two firings will take place, one at mid-term and the second near the conclusion of the class. We will travel to Lawrence, KS to fire the wood kilns in conjunction with the Lawrence Arts Center and the University of Kansas ceramics department. Participants will actively load the kilns, participate in the firing shifts (some over night for the night owls) and discover the wares (and clean the kilns) at the unloading. After the final firings, we will have a party to celebrate with all the participants and display the glorious results!
Figure Sculpture
Aimed at learning the basics or brushing up on fundamentals, this class explores the structure of the body and how it is constructed. Working from photographs and fellow classmates for reference, we will learn how to build anatomically correct figures or partial figures from clay. Weekly demonstrations will be given, and we will discuss construction methods, armatures, clay modeling and more.
Glazing 101
You spent all that time making your ceramic pieces from scratch, the last thing you want to do is mess it up with glazing. In this class you’ll learn to be more confident in your glazing by learning techniques that include dipping, pouring, brushing and spraying. In-class time will be spent glazing bisqueware you bring to class as well as making forms that can take advantage of different glazing techniques.
See the full line up of Fall Classes at
Belger Crane Yard Studios, 2011 Tracy Ave, 64108, Kansas City, United States
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