Subject: Yoga and Corona virus update

Namaste Friend

Blessing to you and your family this morning.

I wanted to send a quick note to assure you that I am still staying on top of information as it comes through regarding the coronavirus, as I am aware things are changing fairly quickly.

As many of you know I am currently in Bali running a training, which seems a good place to be at the moment....we are very rural and not in contact with anyone other than the few local staff here and our attendees. Most of our food is grown onsite and we have abundant fresh spring water.

We are holding healing energy for everyone here, as well as back home and all over Mother Earth.

The beautiful Sandra Groves is covering my classes while I'm away and we will continue to operate all yoga classes until advised otherwise. I have just been informed I will need to be in Self isolation for 2 weeks on my return, so we are blessed that Sandra is able to continue to cover until the end of term.

In regard to attendance at class, in accordance with WHO and Yoga Australia guidelines we:

* Request that all students bring their own yoga mat and any additional props required.
*Will implement hand sanitizing for EVERY student on arrival
*Not be teaching partner yoga or any  activity that requires hand holding or close body contact

* Ask that if you are at all unwell you stay at home

Otherwise we will continue as per normal and keep you updated where needful. 

This is a time like we’ve never experienced before, so, like the rest of the world we will behave responsibly and respond soundly in any decisions that need to be made and we hope that you will support us and understand we are all working these new legislations and preventative outcomes together and our students are priority.

I do hope this helps to alleviate any concerns you may have regarding our classes, please feel free to ask any questions via this email, have a wonderful Monday!

With Love
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