Subject: Danger zone?

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Dear Friend

I'm a self confessed control freak.

At least i was, I'm getting better at letting go and knowing what's 'not for me'.

I have this saying now it's " What would LOVE do?" - real self help type love, not just easy enabling you know what i mean?

For me though, it took being IN the danger zone, before i finally took an honest look at my control issues and that was a painful place to be.

Most people don't know they're heading to the danger zone, because well, it all just becomes 'the norm'.

I'm still passionate about help others, but I sometimes hold back from sharing what I know has been a game changer for me and my well-being, in case it's seen as a bit controlling !

So here's a great way of getting around that.... a fun quiz for you that will let you know if you're shining brightly or in risk of burnout and then you can take it from there!

Let me know what you discover!!