Subject: [eBook] Awakening Lucifer By Asenath Mason & Bill Duvendack

Awaken The Magical Fire Of Luciferian Gnosis… Explore The Masks Of Lucifer And Connect With His Eleven Most Empowering God-Forms
Asenath Mason
Author of 7 books and numerous essays on esoteric, religious and mythological subjects, with a particular focus on the Left Hand Path and Luciferian Spirituality.
Hey Friend, it's Asenath Mason here...
We spoke last on Halloween last year. I would like to make a huge announcement and give you a really special gift. You are the first to hear about it..
I am pleased to present Awakening Lucifer, a grimoire designed to ignite Luciferian Gnosis with 11 of the most empowering archetypal god-forms in history. I welcome you to sign up right now to receive a FREE ebook chapter entitled Melek Taus. The full physical book becomes available for preorder at midnight on Monday evening on June 12th!
This is my first book written together with an amazing author and spiritual teacher, Bill Duvendack. Bill is an internationally known psychic, presenter, and author of four published books, and in the next newsletters he will introduce himself and say more about his work. For now I can only say that it was a pleasure to work with him on this publication and there are more projects like this coming up in the future.
Our groundbreaking book has been inspired by our work in the Temple of Ascending Flame and is a modern grimoire of Left Hand Path magic. We both dedicated the whole last year to this work, researching the Luciferian archetype across mythologies and folklore worldwide, finding characters that can be seen as “masks” of Lucifer, designing rituals and meditations to explore their powers in a practical way, and testing and verifying the results of these practices in our day-to-day life. What we give you now is the effect of this work, presenting a unique view of the Luciferian archetype, not limited to Lucifer alone, but showing that he can be found behind many mythological figures and characters if only we approach him with an open mind and willingness to embrace all aspects of this fascinating gnosis.
Awakening Lucifer was written as a follow-up to Rites of Lucifer, the first work of this kind, published for the first time in 2014 as an anthology by the Temple of Ascending Flame. Following the discussion of Lucifer’s masks, titles, and attributes, Awakening Lucifer examines deities, spirits, and mythological figures related to the Luciferian ethos and symbolism, focusing on manifestations of the archetype in various cultural contexts, getting to the roots of selected legends and folklore, and exploring similarities and differences between Luciferian characters around the world. The material contained in here is based on and derived from the works of the Temple of Ascending Flame, but it has been expanded and revised to be accessible to those that may not be familiar with the working structure of the temple. Methods of work presented here are similar to those included in Rites of Lucifer as well, but they are also standalone rituals organized into a coherent ritual system, which you can use as a starting point in your explorations of the Luciferian archetype.
Ignite Luciferian Gnosis With These 11 Magical Deities
You will find here eleven god-forms, every one representing a different aspect of the archetype:
1. Prometheus: The Bringer of Fire
2. Melek Taus: The Peacock Angel
3. Attar: The Son of the Dawn
4. Shemyaza: The Serpent Angel
5. Samael: The Prince of Darkness
6. Lucifuge Rofocale: The Lord of the Night
7. Lugh: The Shining One
8. Shiva: The Lord of the Trident
9. Azazel: The Lord of Transgression
10. Pan: The Horned One
11. Janus: The Keeper of the Gates
All of them provide a unique grimoire of Luciferian gnosis, presenting Lucifer as a universal archetype existing in many cultures and manifesting through mythological characters worldwide.
Every chapter contains an introduction to the mythology of the chosen god or spirit, explaining why they can be considered a Luciferian archetype, a sigil that will help you attune yourself to their current, a guided meditation that will take you on a self-initiatory journey within their realm, and invocation in which you will learn how to assume the god-form and absorb their powers and qualities. The idea behind this book is to present the Luciferian archetype and its role in the development of human consciousness across the ages and in various cultures and societies, focusing on those aspects that are relevant to the Draconian current and can be used in the self-initiatory process on the Path of the Dragon.
You will learn here:
• The essential features of the Luciferian archetype & how to find them in history & folklore
• How to work in a practical way with deep Luciferian gnosis
• The exciting kinds of manifestation you can expect from these rituals in your daily life
• How to self-initiate into the currents of the magical gods and spirits
• Their magical and energetic powers and how they are connected with Lucifer
• How to use the Luciferian archetype as a model on your own path of self-deification.
Preorder At Midnight On Monday Evening, June 12th!
As always, we will provide all members of this priority newsletter a secret link at midnight on Monday evening June 12, so that they may preorder Awakening Lucifer for 24 hours. Then, once that terminates, we will open the release to everyone and anyone who would like to order copies normally. I do welcome you to participate in the prerorder, because my grimoires tend to sell out fast, particularly the leather-bound version.
What Happened To "Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations"?
When my friends found out about Awakening Lucifer, they asked what happened to Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations, the follow-up to Qliphothic Meditations... please do not be worried, you can still access it on Halloween this year! My schedule has not changed in that regard. Bill and I have labored on this Lucifer grimoire for so long and the sweltering heat of the summer season provides the best magical conditions for the birth of this rare and unprecedented Luciferian grimoire. Please, do not be alarmed, as you will be able to participate in Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations on Halloween too. To learn more about that and receive a free chapter in a few months, click the button below:
Thanks again for your undying support. I look forward to you meeting Bill in a forthcoming newsletter and video.
Talk again soon,
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