Subject: Will Lucifer Punish Me? - Worried Viewer Asks

How Do You Know When To Make A Pact With Lucifer — And When *Shouldn't* You? If You Are Not Ready, Will The Demonic Gatekeeper Ruin Your Life? I Reply To An Urgent Concern From A Viewer
E.A. Koetting
Hey Friend,
I received an urgent email the other day from a viewer Dexter, who asked a question that is probably on a lot of people’s minds right now: How do I know if it is a good idea for me to make a pact with Lucifer-Amaymon?
This in itself is a reasonable question that every black magician needs to ask themselves before crossing that bridge into a spirit relationship.
As Dexter explained his question a little further, though, there were some obvious points of misconception or misinformation that could be cleared up.
Here’s What Dexter’s Email Said...
I wish to enter into a pact with Lucifer, but after watching some videos on YouTube by some popular sorcerers, I have some concerns.
I watched many pact making videos, and one popular sorcerer said that a pact with Lucifer should only be done after "a person has their shit together" because (from what i understand) Lucifer would turn your life inside-out and bring to the surface your entire life's faults and highlight everything that's going wrong in that person's life...
What does all this mean? Does it mean that in order to get into a pact with Lucifer, that everything must already be going great in that person's life.....all their finances must be proper, great relationship with kids, family and friends, etc.?
I believe Lucifer can provide all the wisdom and resources that I need to move forward in life. However, I also learn that Lucifer punishes you sometimes if "your personal plans might not align with his plans for you.
This sounds scary, doesn't it?
Please explain to me how does someone know if making a pact with Lucifer is right for them?
The scenario that Dexter describes does indeed sound very scary, and I wouldn’t want to go into a pact like that blind, either!
Luckily, a pact working with Lucifer-Amaymon isn’t quite what many people think.
First, most assume that a pact is simply a written contract between the sorcerer and a spirit. All of the terms of the agreement are laid out in the pact, and so the magician needs to be very careful with how he words things, and hopefuly he can trick the spirit into giving him what he wants, and he might even break free before the phantom can do him too much harm.
What We’re Really Talking About Are Relationships
In reality, when we are talking about pacts, what we’re really talking about are relationships.
Throughout most of human magickal evolution, the sorcerer would retreat to a place of power, or simply to an isolated location, where he would supplicate to a specific demon, god, or spirit, sometimes performing ceremonies for days or weeks before the first sign of the entity began to manifest.
Once the magician had materialized his specific devil or deity, he would then devote himself to learning from that being.
What all of this required was an ability to thrust himself into the ecstacy of the communion with the entity so deeply and so intimately that the conscious mind would eventually retire from its insistence that the mundane senses are the pathway of experience, and thus gain access to another set of senses entirely.
As magick was imported into the stuffy praxis of Christianity, all of the passion was removed, all of the intimacy was shamed, and the depth of the relationship was instead replaced by stale, written words and obligatory concessions.
This is not how I approach pact-workings, because it just doesn’t make sense to do so. Instead, I return to the practices of my ancestors and of the Ancients, thrusting myself into the contact until it overwhelms absolutely everything else.
And then I pull it through, offering myself as a Gateway through which these powers can flow into this world.
What I’m getting at is that the only way you can know if a Pact Working with Lucifer-Amaymon is right for you is to call on him, using his sigil, or artistic representations, or conjurations specific to him. Make contact and release your every assumption, and simply receive.
You will know by a peace and a power that stirs in you whether he is for you or not. And I think that we both already know what the answer is going to be!
If you're ready right now, then come back the Black Sun Covenant that Kurtis Joseph and I perform together on the Full Harvest Moon, September 24. Normally, two custom rites combined would cost as a much as $3,499. But in honor of Lucifer-Amaymon I would like this to remain as a affordable and convenient as possible — you can get $3,000 off right this moment and save 85% when you book below:
As we travel now into a pathworking of my patron spirit Azazel, I welcome you to seal your relationship with Lucifer while I can still help!
Talk again soon,
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