Subject: Why The Devil Is BETTER Than "God"

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Why The Devil Is BETTER Than "God" --
As The Patron Of Knowledge And Evolution, The Adversary Gives Power To The People -- His Black Magick Reveals The Truths That "God" Hides
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
I'm obsessed with the Devil. I'm obsessed with black magick. I'm obsessed with the occult.
That's no secret.
So, over the weekend while I had some free time, I sat down with Asenath Mason’s new release, The Book of Mephisto.
In addition to the rituals, ceremonies, and the extreme research that Asenath has put into this book, I also came across one particular passage that caught my attention, because it answered a question that I've been asked a lot, specifically by mundane people who don't know a thing about the Left-Hand Path.
That question is: Why the obsession with the Devil? Why the Adversary? There are a million different gods you could pick; why side with the demons?
The Legend Of Faust As The Antichrist
It's a fair question, and within my own self I've always known the answer. I've known that these adversarial forces move things, that what we call chaos, disturbance, and disruption is often the force of change. Asenath takes it to another level in this book.
Concerning Johann Faust and the pact that he made with Mephistopheles, Asenath writes:
Faust enters the path of the Adversary. The antinomian way of breaking the past patterns of life, he leaves the traditional learning to seek knowledge and wisdom in magick. He breaks with everything that has been the essence of his life thus far, philosophy, medicine, physics, and all sciences to which he has devoted the greatest part of his life. This is also a part of any path that leads to genuine initiation and transcendence. From the perspective of Jungian psychology, the legend of Faust is a corollary to the coming of an Anti-Christ. In the 16th Century, the God image fell out of heaven and landed in human psyche. In the course of transition from heaven to earth, it undergoes an antiadromia from Christ to Anti-Christ. This event paves the way for Faust's encounter with Mephistopheles… Mercurius speaks, 'I am the poison dripping dragon. From my snout, there comes a spreading poison that has brought death to many.’
It is this same poison that caused imbalance in the universe when the serpent tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. At the same time, however, it opened their eyes to a completely different side of the universe, that of darkness complementary to light, which was the only thing they had known up until that point. Mephistopheles, therefore, performs the same role to Faust as a serpent to the first human couple by opening his eyes to what he has not known before.
The Demons Hand Us The Tools That The Gods Don’t Want Us To Have Because They Don’t Trust Us
This really is the main point of working with these adversarial forces. On one hand, they are indeed the force of change, that the devil by any name is an adversary of that which is or at least of that which is known to be, because in reality, the reality that we observe, that we enjoy is only a fragment of what's really happening.
As you dive into these forces and as you work with these devils, they reveal the truth.
They reveal the truth that we're not supposed to know. They let us in on the big secret. Indeed, the devils reveal the mystery. But as we step into the darkness, as we step into the unknown, we become illuminated. Our bodies, our minds, our spiritual core all evolves, gets pushed to the next level and we can start to make out what's actually happening in that darkness, in that unknown.
If my goal in life was to endure through the day and make it to bedtime and wake up and repeat that process as undisturbed as possible day after day for the rest of my life until I died, then yes, I could probably find an easier spiritual path to walk.
I could find other entities, other deities that might be more fulfilling for that kind of mediocre life. But, I don't want a mediocre life; I won't tolerate a mediocre life.
What I want is to know, to grow, to evolve.
This is the spirit of Mephistopheles. This is the spirit of the Devil. We are meant to evolve, to grow, and to become something different than what we started out as. As we change, the devils are the ones cheering us on. They're the ones handing us the tools that the gods said we shouldn't have because they don't trust us. It's time that we stopped caring about what the gods think, or what other people think, and it’s time that we start trusting ourselves.
Become A Living God!
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