Subject: Why Magick Vampirism Is The Ultimate Path Of Self-Deification

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"In The Eyes Of The Adept Of The Sinister Path, The Self Is The Only God Who Exists... It Is For This Reason That Magick Vampirism Can Authentically Be Called The Ultimate Path Of Self-Deification"
N.D. Blackwood
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Hello Friend,
I am Vampiric Adept, N.D. Blackwood, author of Scholomance: The Order of the Dragon live to order right now, and Draugadrottinn: Lord of the Undead released last year.
I would like to discuss the Cult of the Undead.
One of the first elements to consider when talking about historic vampirism is the ancient occult study of the non-decomposition or the perfect preservation of the human body. This step seems to be of crucial importance for beings wishing to maintain their consciousness close to the Material Plane of our planet. The physical body would then act as an anchor in physical reality, allowing the astral body, seat of consciousness, memory, and ego to remain present in this world.
In most classic tales of vampirism, it is a corpse kept in perfect condition, which at times seems to be gorged with blood. This was especially true in Eastern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries when the vampire hunt was in full swing. This phenomenon is explained by the drain of vital essence in which the vampiric double indulges, which regenerates the deceased body in its grave and prevents it from turning to dust.
The Serbian Vampire Arnold Paole
One of the best-known cases in this area is that of the Serbian Vampire, Arnold Paole. Born around 1700 in the village of Medvegia, north of Belgrade in Serbia, Paole served in the army and then returned to his village in 1727. While serving in Turkey, he was allegedly attacked and bitten by a vampire. To heal his wound, he then ate some dirt from the vampire’s grave and then brushed the bite with the creature’s blood. As an honest worker, he acquired a portion of land in his village. He died accidentally by falling from a cart. Three weeks after his burial, four people said they saw him in broad daylight. These witnesses mysteriously died shortly after their statements. The victims suffered from anemia, severe fatigue, difficulty breathing, panic attacks, and terrible nightmares. The population decided to exhume the body of Arnold Paole to see if he had become, as they feared, a vampire.
Two military doctors attended the release of the coffin. They did not detect any sign of decomposition of the remains. The skin was intact and red. The nails, beard, and hair had continued to grow. Blood stained the shirt of the deceased, as well as the walls of the coffin. The body of the alleged vampire was then impaled. Fresh blood came out of the wound. The corpse made a loud sound as if it was still alive.
Serbian Peasant Peter Plogojovitz
Another case in a neighboring region was that of Peter Plogojovitz. This Serbian peasant lived in the village of Kisilova. In 1725, he died at the age of 62. Different versions present his resurrection as a vampire. Three days after his death, he returned to ask his wife for his shoes who then fled terrified. In another version, Plogojovitz would have returned twice to ask his son for food. The latter, having refused the second time, was among the first victims of the vampire. The victims died within 24 hours. They claimed to have been assaulted and strangled by Plogojovitz during the night.
Under pressure from residents, Plogojovitz’s body was exhumed for signs of vampirism, including the corpse’s lack of corruption. The village priest and an official attended the operation. The body was intact. The hair, beard, and fingernails had continued to grow. Witnesses reported that the skin was soft, and blood stained the lips of the corpse. When they drove a stake into the chest of the late Plogojovitz, a large quantity of fresh blood came out of the wound but also from the ears, nose, and mouth. The corpse would even have had an active member in the nether region.
Jure Grando & Father Giorgio In Istria
A last similar example happened in 1656 in Istria when a man named Jure Grando was buried. Soon after his burial, locals began to see his ghost roaming the village with a dead sheep on one shoulder and a black cat on the other. The coming of the night made the blood of the inhabitants of Kringa run cold. He appeared to Father Giorgio who said mass on his grave. Grando’s widow told with terror that the deceased often visited her at night to mistreat her.
The priest quickly made a terrible discovery. The man at whose door Jure Grando knocked a few days ago died quickly. Kringa then became a cursed village, especially after Father Giorgio and another man named Miho Radetić failed to pierce the beast's heart with a stake. It wasn’t until one night in 1672 that nine townspeople armed with stakes, crosses, and other weapons known to be effective in fighting vampires decided to end Jure’s violent reign. They were stunned as they opened his grave to discover Grando’s body was preserved and his reddish face smiling. After trying unsuccessfully to pierce his heart and intestines with a stake, one of the locals grabbed a sharp axe and cut off Jure’s head. At that moment, a frightening cry echoed through the graveyard. The Istrian vampire then shook and stirred as if he were alive.
As disturbing as these cases are, these are only commoners and people who have sometimes unwittingly become Undead. They are not members of the Night aristocracy like the Lady who still sleeps today peacefully in Krasna Horka Castle or several other dark lords whose bodies have never been found. They had taken careful measures during their lifetimes to secure their physical envelopes.
The Witch Town Of Venice & The Egyptian Mummy
In the witch town of Venice, one of the highest places of vampiric practices during the European Renaissance, it was noticed that the bodies of the high Initiates of Freemasonry did not decompose. To this practice of a purely magical nature, certain dark adepts, and even certain civilizations have added rituals and methods of preservation of corpses that have allowed them to endure millennia.
In Venice, an Egyptian mummy seems to have played a very special role in the vampiric lodges, especially for the Green Order of which this book contains the secret rituals. According to the Egyptian science of embalming, the mummy is preserved according to a preparation that holds in it a form of life that should allow it to one day regain all the physical and psychic aspects from its life before mummification. To get there, the technicians of that time needed a perfect understanding of what human beings are and how they work during both their lifetime and after their death.
To preserve life when death has occurred is to preserve the double that survives the physical body. The double can only prolong its stay in this material world by placing anchors on the Physical Plane of existence. These anchors are, in a certain sense, marks that nourish their personal egregore. This largely explains the presence of an object of devotion with the effigy of the dead in many cultures that have practiced mummification methods. While there are other anchors on other planes, such as the bond that links the Initiate to the Vampiric Chain, the preservation of the physical body is a major part of all traditions that venerate the undead. The practice of the Dark Arts has evolved without ever deviating from these objectives, while some adepts of vampirism today use modern scientific methods to preserve their bodies.
In my grimoire Scholomance: The Order of the Dragon, I describe the full methodology for you to build your own Body of Black Light and how to use it as a vehicle for the immortality of your consciousness.
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Most of the people who have incorporated Vampirism in their magick practices are only using it as a tool. Very few actually consider how it can be developed much further to its true full potential: a Pathway to Immortality.
Vampirism is one of the most powerful paths you can find. In the eyes of the Adept of the Sinister Path, the self is the only god who exists. It is for this reason that Magick Vampirism can authentically be qualified as the ultimate Path of Self-Deification.
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