Subject: What Are The 22 Tunnels Of Set? — A Pioneer's Guide To Qliphothic Magic

The All-New Finale To The Qliphothic Trilogy
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Live to order Tuesday, October 27
Qliphothic Magic’s Most Advanced Full-Color Guide To Performing Self-Initiation With The 22 Demonic Guardians Of The Tunnels Of Set… Unlock The Finale To Asenath Mason’s Qliphothic Trilogy
Asenath Mason
Hello Friend,
In this newsletter we will discuss the concept of the pathways connecting the particular realms on the Tree of Qliphoth, which is the main subject of my new book, Tunnels of Set, which becomes live to order Tuesday, October 27, and is the third and the final volume in The Qliphothic Trilogy. To watch this newsletter as a video narrated by me, click here.
The Tunnels of Set are 22 paths connecting the Qliphoth, which correspond to pathways on the Tree of Life connecting the Sephiroth. The name itself is derived from the writings of Aleister Crowley and Kenneth Grant and refers to the ancient Egyptian god Set, who appears here because of his role in the Typhonian Tradition. In this tradition, the Tree of Night, believed to embrace emanations of the mother-goddess Typhon, is thought to contain all the dark and destructive energy in the universe. As the son of the Typhonian Goddess, personification of the Dark Feminine, Set stands as a guardian at the entrance to the Abyss, which exists within the hidden Sephira Daath on both sides of the tree, connecting the Qliphoth and the Sephiroth. The Gate of Daath is called the Desert of Set and it is thought that here we can open the way to realms and dimensions of what is called the “Universe B” and in my ritual system stands for Sitra Ahra (the Other Side).
The 22 Tunnels of Set are also believed to correspond to the scales of the Dragon - the current that flows through the whole Tree of Night. The pathways of the Dark Tree transmit the energy of the eleven macrocosmic spheres of power to the corresponding nervous centers within the human body: together, they represent 33 principles (22 tunnels + 11 Qliphoth) that form a map of initiation on the path of the Qliphoth. In the tunnels we encounter primal atavisms, forgotten archetypes, and concepts that reach back to the time when mankind was in direct contact with the essence of the universe and its creative power. In Necronomicon Gnosis these primal forces are known as the Great Old Ones - forgotten beings existing in between spaces and dimensions, “dead but dreaming,” undefined and amorphous. Here they emerge from the depths of the subconscious as demons, shades, phantoms, and monsters. The purpose of this work is to embrace them as a part of our conscious mind. This gives us access to their powers and abilities, helps us awaken our dormant psychic faculties and progress on the path of self-initiation.
The following list is a brief overview of the 22 pathways explored in this volume:
Mysteries of the irrational taken to extremes. Exploration of insanity as a tool of creation and destruction. The shattering of the veil between the worlds and the ability to see with the Eye of the Dragon.
Science as a vehicle of transcendence. Stepping beyond the veil that separates the worlds and exploration of what lies outside the boundaries of reason. The ability to rule the world and to become the master of our destiny.
The path through the Abyss. Mysteries of female magic and lunar rites. The power to destroy and create reality. Dream magic and visual imagination as a tool to bring desire into manifestation.
The power to live through the senses and flow with the current. The Dark Feminine and her mysteries of time, destiny, sex, and death. The Womb of the Universe as the source of all creation and all manifestation.
Astrology and the stellar powers of the Divine Feminine. Opening consciousness to extraterrestrial currents and embracing them for the sake of self-empowerment. Stellar magic and the vision of the Cosmic Serpent.
Authority and responsibility on magical path. Self-initiation and self-confidence. Rites of strength and dominance, both in the mundane and spiritual sense. Self-validation and the path of isolation.
Mysteries of manifestation and non-being. Stepping into the unknown. Astral travel and powers of bilocation. Rites to expand awareness and become a channel for the earthing of the Draconian Current. The merging of the male and the female.
The chalice as the symbol of the female and the vessel of transformation. The power of casting enchantments and achieving whatever we want. Mysteries of seduction, personal magnetism and sexual attraction.
Magic of lust and desire. Rites of creation and sexual mysteries both for healing and destruction. Theriomorphism and becoming one with primal atavistic instincts of the reptilian brain. The power of the Divine Feminine.
Shamanism and vision quests. Mysteries of immortality in the flesh. Rites of healing and regeneration for achieving inner wholeness. Magic of the earth and understanding of the Outer Dragon.
The Wheel of Fortune and the power to accept and change destiny. Ascendance and dominance. Mysteries of continuity and manipulation of fates.
Balancing on the border of order and misrule. Mysteries of truth and justice, balance and disharmony, bliss and oblivion. Manifestation through annihilation of the law and exploration of creative chaos.
Magic of the Void. Mysteries of Time and Dissolution. Exploration of the collective unconscious. The ability to dominate and to surrender. The Black Goddess and the Womb of the Universe.
Eros and Thanatos. Mysteries of transformation through death and sex. Purification through putrefaction. Exploring the midnight sun and entering the backward path to the heart of Sitra Ahra.
Alchemy and the power of transmutation. Annihilation of individuality and becoming one with the senses. The union of opposites through reversal and transformation. Destruction of polarities and the experience of the universe as a whole.
The Witches’ Sabbat and the power of the Evil Eye. Mysteries of sex magic and the woman as the primary initiatrix. Sex as a force of self-expression. Ability to materialize desire and worship of nature.
Works of wrath and vengeance, baneful magic and psychic protection. Sexual energy as a vehicle of transgression and transcendence. Willpower and inner fire as a basis for magical operations.
Magic of the irrational. Mysteries of the Goddess and the power of the feminine, both inner and outer. The path of passion and independence through the reversal of the traditional male-female roles in day-to-day reality.
Lucid dreaming and entering the path of imagination and self-creation. Astral travel and mysteries of bewitchment. Lunar magic and rites of the Dark Feminine.
Embracing the Shadow. The shedding of the ego and assumption of deific masks to alter consciousness and explore the Other Side. Acquisition of wealth, both in the physical and spiritual sense.
The shedding of the patterns of conditioning and burning that which is no longer needed on the path. Transformation through fire and freedom through destruction. Path of evocation and pyromancy.
Mysteries of death and malefica. The crossing of the border between the mundane and all that exists beyond. Developing the ability to communicate with the denizens of Sitra Ahra.
Receive Your Free eBook Chapter — Lafcursiax
To introduce you to Tunnels of Set and The Qliphothic Trilogy, download your free chapter eBook of Lafcursiax right now. In it, you will receive the entire passage, color illustrator, and more. This will let you know exactly the forms of magic rituals that you will perform through Tunnels of Set.
I welcome you to place your order for this third and final volume, Tunnels of Set, on Tuesday, October 27.
Darkest Blessings,
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