Subject: Wear THIS To Summon Demons At Full Power

Nine Demonic Gatekeepers - T-Shirts, Framed Sigils & Snapback Hats
What Should You Wear In Ritual? My Magick "Street Clothes" Defy A Thousand Years Of Tradition But Still Invoke The Most Powerful Spirits... Here's Why I Wear Modern Clothing
Instead Of Medieval Wizard Costumes
E.A. Koetting
Hey Friend,
One of the first questions new magicians will ask me is, “What clothing should I wear for ritual?”
The reality is that this question is often still a question for sorcerers who have been practicing magick for years, as well.
Should you wear a white robe, or a black cloak? Should it have a hood, or not? Or can you wear jeans and a tshirt in ritual? Or, should you perform all of your rituals “skyclad” or in the nude?
As is often the case with most magickal misunderstandings, we have to separate the mechanics of magick from the religion that has been built up around these arts over a millennium.
Formal Ritual Attire
Most traditional ceremonial magicians insist on wearing specific ritual clothing, donning robes, cloaks, and sometimes even elaborate masks and headgear for all of their ceremonies.
Although I often am in disagreement with traditionalists, I actually can see the value in wearing ritual-specific clothing.
We do tend to base our clothing around our activities.
I wear specific clothing when I ride my motorcycle, both for safety and for “the look.” When I step into the gym to work out, I will change into a different set of clothing specific to that activity. Before I step in front of my camera, I make sure that my clothing is appropriate for the scene, set, and message.
So, it only makes sense to wear specific clothes for ritual, right?
But, what kinds of clothing would be best for ritual?
Black Magick “Street Clothes”
The rule of thumb that I try to stick to is that your clothing shouldn’t distract you from the ritual, and if possible should complement the ritual, the desired outcome, and the spirits you will be calling.
When I first started on my path of Magickal Ascent, I’d wear a black hooded robe. But, before long I found that robes were simply too restrictive, and honestly they are more distracting than they are worth. If I plan on sitting or standing still throughout the ritual, black robes can definitely get me in the magickal mood, but if I need to walk or use my hands at all, robes are absolutely out!
Of course, I performed my fair share of rituals nude, but again I’ve found this to be distracting, and is often not practical depending on where, when, and with whom the ritual will be performed.
On your journey towards Mastery, you’ll likely find as I have that you will engage in ritual on a very regular basis, and you’ll also find that magick is carried with you outside of the Temple, as you are able to cast spells with your mind and restructure reality with your internal focus.
In this way, your magickal life and your mundane life will begin to merge.
When I found this happening in my own Ascent, I also found that I stopped “dressing up” for ritual, and will now walk into the Temple in my “street clothes” and I have not seen the ritual suffer because of it!
Be Mindful Of Your Clothing’s
Message & Symbolism
Before assuming that you can jump into ritual wearing whatever you happen to be wearing, you should consider the following questions:
• Is the color, material, weight, or design of your clothing distracting?
• Are your clothes imprinted with any sort of symbols or messages?
• If so, are those symbols or messages in alignment with your ritual, your intended result, and with the spirits you are calling?
Simply try to be mindful of any print or design on my clothing that might send the wrong message to the spirits you’re working with, or that aren’t in alignment with the message and intention of the ritual itself.
My New Collections Of
Demonic Clothing & Artwork
For years, I have worn Become A Living God t-shirts and demon sigils. As such, literally hundreds of you have asked where to find them. And I always said you can't because I would never release them.
To be completely honest, I dislike "merch". I prefer to concentrate on genuine knowledge like books and courses. But at a certain point, so many of you have sincerely asked for it, that I finally did it.
As of right now, you may place an order for t-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, snapback hats, and framed art prints that invoke these powers:
Become A Living God and Left Hand Path mottos & iconography
Nine Demonic Gatekeepers sigils with modern designs
• An array of Qliphothic Demons and revered spirits like Lucifer, Lilith, Hecate, Set, and more by Asenath Mason
Honestly, I would suggest you wear this clothing to perform ritual and even in everyday life. These T-shirts and tank tops bear necessary sigils right on your chest in a classic, sinister white on black combination. Furthermore, these snapback hats bear demon names on your Third Eye.
It might seem weird to wear a T-shirt or hat in ritual, but why not? It addresses a particular spirit by name and sigil. I literally dress in these clothes myself every day.
• Available in small through XX-large
• Ships globally
• It looks contemporary and sinister aesthetically
I welcome you to browse our BALG Collection, Demonic Gatekeepers Collection, and Qliphoth Collection right now.
For the record, I did this for YOU. Had no one asked, I would not have arranged to do this. If you do wear these clothes or hang any of this art, drop a photograph of yourself in our Community Forum so everyone can see.
Talk again soon,
Satan-Moloch: The Eye of the Qliphoth
Belial: Keeper of the Abyss
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