Subject: WTF Does A Sorcerer Think About Voodoo Initiation?

How Can You Learn Vodoun Magick Without 20 Years Of Indentured Servitude And Immigration To Haiti? You Head Straight To The Lwa Spirits And Skip The Manmade Politics Of The Priesthood...
I perform a rite of Vodoun Magick under a turqouise sky in the golden desert.
» To learn these fiercely guarded Rites of Initiation, click right here.
E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics on black magick and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
Hey Friend,
In a recent interview that I joined in on with fellow Vodoun and Santeria Initiate, Brandon Masters, we discussed the elements of initiation in Haitian Vodoun, magick in general. (See full interview segment right here.)
Brandon asked me, “What does taking on an initiation mean to you?”
That’s a huge question, and it’s one that we spent nearly an hour hashing out in our interview!
I’d like to share some of the ideas that I presented in my reply, because they really hit at the core reason that I’m putting everything on the line to release this information!
Brandon said that he felt like the idea of initiation is meant to make sure that the initiate is worthy, that they're coming into the system with a deep commitment and that they understand what it is that they're trying to do, what it is that they're being initiated into.
In my view, because I've known intimately a lot of people who are the initiators and I can say without a doubt they're not worthy to do much anything. Most of them wouldn't be worthy to clean my toilet. But, they're the ones that are dealing out who gets to have a life changing spiritual experience, who gets to be enlightened and who gets to ascend?
Really I don't know that it's getting the best stock... it's getting the most gullible stock.
Nobody But YOU Can Judge Your Spiritual Worth
The matter of being worthy enough is a cop-out, and nobody but YOU can judge your spiritual worthiness.
We are all worthy.
This is your power, this is your godhood.
Remember, the word “Initiate” means to begin. Receiving an initiation is not a goal, it’s not the finish-line, it’s the starting-line.
And in Haitian Vodoun, only the Lwa can initiate you into Their Secrets. The houngans of the religion can only initiate you into the religion, as a rite-of-passage into the culture.
But every Vodoun houngan, mambo, and bocor agrees that the power of the Lwa is only transmitted to those who develop real relationships with the Lwa.
That’s exactly what The Spider and the Green Butterfly and the Vodoun Magick Mastery will teach you on December 19th: how to contact the Lwa, and how to work with them directly.
We Liberate Knowledge Of The Lwa Spirits On December 19th!
Talk again soon,
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