Subject: Virus Frequency Hijacking: A Ritual To Harness Chaos For Ascent

The Virus Frequency Hijacking Ritual
J.S. Garrett, Barbie Garrett, Orlee Stewart & J.D. Temple
How to dominate a crisis like a black magician... Let four of the world's top ritualists hijack the baneful spirit to fuel your spiritual ascent... Stay home and perform magick with us April 12.
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How To Dominate A Crisis Like A Black Magician... Let Four Of The World's Top Ritualists Hijack The Baneful Spirit To Fuel Your Spiritual Ascent... Stay Home And Perform Magick With Us April 12
J.S. Garrett
Hello Friend,
Has the global pandemic scared you to a point of feeling helpless and powerless? As a magician or witch, would you like to transform the baneful energy from the crisis into a fuel for spiritual ascent? Let us introduce you to the Virus Frequency Hijacking ritual — a highly advanced empowerment and protection ritual to dominate the chaos and panic, and harness them to fuel your spiritual ascent on the Christian high holy day Easter, April 12.
Why would four of the world’s top black magicians — J.S. Garrett, Barbie Garrett, Orlee Stewart & J.D. Temple — perform a group black magick ritual to invert Easter into an unholy day? Find out below…
How To Alchemically Transform A Baneful Energy Crisis Into A “Once In A Lifetime” Magick Opportunity
J.S. GARRETT: The four of us are going to perform a group ritual that is geared towards safety, protection, and hijacking the energy of the panic and chaos being caused by this virus. We are using it for something positive as well as providing protection and empowerment for people. Every one of us is bringing our own unique skills to the table, and it’s also going to be very affordable during these harsh times.
ORLEE STEWART: Absolutely. J.S. and Barbie will be doing their part of the ritual and J.D. and I will also record our own part so the ritual is actually two rituals in one. I think what was really important to us too, when we were discussing planning this, was to try to make it as affordable as possible. Something that people can really get on board with because we really do sincerely want to help people. We also are going to put out a video where people are going to be able to do this ritual for themselves if they wish.
The Clairvoyant Sigil & Ritual Ingredients That
Hijack The Energy Of A Global Pandemic
J.S.: I had been planning to sit down and attempt to divine a sigil for this virus, an energetic signature for the consciousness of the virus that people could use to immunize themselves and align with it. A few hours before that time, my good friend Austin Phillips sent me a picture of the sigil that he had just divined for this very virus. So, I am going to use that sigil and put that information out to show people a very simple ritual that they can do on their own to align with this energy and protect themselves from it.
The way that works is you’re going be offering blood upon the sigil and feeding it to that virus in exchange for aligning with it. What this also does is energetically exposes you to that baneful energy, which helps immunize you from that astral energy. If anyone’s not comfortable with doing such a rite like that on their own, then they are more than welcome to sign up to have the four of us do it for them.
J.D. TEMPLE: I went out and I got a massive cauldron and we are going to be in our outdoor temple space. We are going to be concocting a wicked, wicked brew here on our end to hijack the frequency of the virus itself.
ORLEE: We’re going to combine blood, many sacred herbs and elements into the boiling cauldron. Each name is going to be offered into this brew, and then, as the vapor transcends into the sky, everyone who’s part of this rite is going to become part of the intense, crazy, powerful energy that this mass event is catalyzing in the world. Instead of being passive to these forces, these forces will now be used to empower you in your prosperity, in your transcendence, in your ascent into your own personal power.
So, essentially, we’re going to be taking all these things that could be a force of chaos, but instead of allowing it to be totally random, we are grabbing all that power, and we are using it for a spell in order to enrich the lives of everyone that we combine into the cauldron with us to hijack the virus. We’re taking that energy and we’re using it for our empowerment, instead of it being something that can control us in any way.
The REAL Reason Why A Traditional Curse Or Protection Rite Will Not Help You — And The Truth About Why Only Black Magick Will
J.S.: I’ve seen a lot of stuff online where witches and magicians will use white magic spells to curse the virus, to combat the virus with traditional spells and hexes, and all this other stuff, and I really think that’s not the right answer here. I think what we are talking about doing, hijacking the virus itself, hijacking the energy and chaos and panic and fear, and using that to propel people in a positive direction and align with it instead of fighting it head-on, is a much better way to go.
What Barbie and I have been discussing is the rite that we’re going to do on our end. It is very similar to what shamans did a long time ago. Whenever ancient people had a sickness, a plague, that was attacking people or killing their crops, their animals, things like that, they recognized that there was the consciousness behind these viruses or these spirits. It’s a spirit of that virus. It’s the energy and the consciousness that is causing the physical manifestation of that virus or pandemic here on this physical plane.
When the world around you descends into chaos and it’s beyond your control, the strong embrace chaos. — J.S. Garrett
The shamans would commune and essentially make a pact with this consciousness saying, “Okay, once a year we’re going to sacrifice a boar, or a sheep or something like that and have a huge barbecue and party in your honor.” The sacrifice would be made to the virus or to the spirit of whatever was plaguing the people and then they would all partake of the flesh and honor that consciousness, and in turn, they would no longer suffer from it.
So we will essentially offer blood on people’s behalf, offer a sacrifice on their behalf, in order to help them align with the energy and hopefully provide them some protection from it. It’s not just baneful energy we’re talking about protecting people from here, we also have to worry about other threats that panic and chaos and lack of food will bring with it for other people. So, this is almost like an overall empowerment and protection ritual that we’re rolling out because of the state that the world is in.
BARBIE GARRETT: We are taking the power from the fear and the panic that has been widespread, and we’re going to harness the power as well and become allies with that power. Which, I think, might even be just as important as becoming allies with the actual spirit of the virus. There’s so much energy out there right now to grab ahold of and to throw at whatever we want to, so why not make ourselves better, bigger, stronger.
J.S.: When the world around you descends into chaos and it’s beyond your control, the strong embrace chaos.
Why Performing The Hijacking Ritual On Easter Maximizes The Force Of Magick
ORLEE: We’re taking advantage of the holy day coming up at Easter, April 12, and taking of all of that energy, and as black magicians, seizing that and turning it into an additional source of power for this dark rite, where we are truly hijacking this virus into a tool for our ascent.
J.S.: This is something that was essentially born out of necessity, just because of what’s going on right now. As we stated before, we’re going to put out instructions on this rite that you can do on your own, because we understand that everybody cannot afford to sign up for this.
BARBIE: The different elements are also coming into play. Orlee and J.D., you’re going to be implementing water as well as blood. On our end, I know that we’re doing fire as well as blood. So again, harnessing those elements on top of everything else, this is going to be like an atomic magical bomb. I’m so excited to release this on the world.
J.S.: Well, I think that is an excellent note to end this on. Thank you, everyone and. I want to also mention this disclaimer: this ritual is in no way a substitute for medical testing or treatment.
Place your order right now to receive 80% off our normal rate for a ritual for hire, and also receive a free online "do it yourself" mini-course and eBook grimoire to guide you through performing this ritual by yourself along with us on Easter, April 12.
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