Subject: [Urgent] Friend, Order Qliphothic Meditations By Asenath Mason!

Discover Why I Find Qliphothic Magic More Inspiring & Empowering Than Any Other Path… Order Qliphothic Meditations Right Now...
Embark on a magical journey with Lilith, Samael, and the Demonic Kings & Queens...
First Edition in only 499 prints
Asenath Mason
Author of 7 books and numerous essays on esoteric, religious and mythological subjects, with a particular focus on the Left Hand Path and Luciferian Spirituality.
Hey Friend,
I am pleased to present my Qliphothic Meditations – the first in a series of practical guidebooks for those who seek initiation into the mysteries of the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
"We no longer shy away from what was forbidden in the past... and now strive for self-deification..."
Why work with the forces of the Dark Tree? If you are familiar with the idea behind the Qabalah, you also know that the Qliphoth have been avoided and shun by Qabalists and magicians for ages. They believed that the only possible way to salvation was through the ascent of the soul and union with God, while the Qliphoth were the forces of “evil” and the emanations of the Adversary.
As the practitioners of the Left Hand Path, however, we seek our own self-salvation and no longer shy away from what was forbidden in the past. As initiates of the Qliphothic Tree, we do not strive for union with a superior force but for self-deification, successively transforming ourselves into powerful god-like beings. The path of the Dark Tree is a way of transgression and transcendence, and it may not be for everyone, but those who dare to enter these forbidden realms will find it more inspiring and empowering than any other magical path.
Order Qliphothic Meditations Right Now...
I have written this book to provide information and rituals that will serve as an introduction to the particular levels of the Dark Tree, showing how they can be used on your personal path of self-initiation. You will find here descriptions of the Qliphoth, their sigils, practical methods to invoke their energies, guided meditations that will help you adjust your mind to their vibrations, and techniques of dream magic that will open you to their influence on the subconscious level. This information will introduce you into each Qlipha and make you familiar with techniques that can be used to explore it in a practical way in your individual practice.
At long last, you may now order your copy of Qliphothic Meditations, as well as the Qliphothic Star Amulet and Qliphothic Magic Circle. It would be prudent to place your order now because we printed this First Edition in only 499 copies.
Come learn how to attune yourself to the currents of the Qliphoth, how to contact the spirits and deities of the Dark Tree and make them allies on your path; how to design, organize, and develop your individual work, and much, much more.
I hope you will find the path of the Qliphoth as beautiful and inspiring as it has been for me!

Darkest Blessings,
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