Subject: Tunnels Of Set - Order Now To Get $100 Off

The All-New Finale To The Qliphothic Trilogy
22 Tricolor Illustrations    Advanced Sigils    Tunnel Guardian Profiles
Get $100 off to save 25% for a limited time only
A Clairvoyantly Authored & Illustrated Master Grimoire Of The 22 Pathways On The Tree Of Qliphoth With A Cosmology Map, Demonic Guardian Portraits, Advanced Sigils & More
Asenath Mason
Hello Friend,
This book has been on my mind ever since I started writing about the Dark Tree and the magic of the Qliphoth years ago.
In my previous two volumes, Qliphothic Meditations and Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations, I covered methods and techniques to work with the eleven Qliphothic realms and their demon rulers, but these two seem incomplete without including the pathways connecting the particular spheres.
The labyrinths of tunnels and paths existing in between the particular realms on the Dark Tree are as important in the self-initiatory process as are the realms themselves.
In this book, which is the third in the series and the last on the subject, I have included all that missing information. This makes the presentation of my working system complete and this also concludes my writings on Qliphothic magic. I personally view this book as the third volume in the subject, which together with the previous two constitutes the Qliphothic Trilogy that covers the entire Dark Tree and lays down a coherent and applicable system of approaching the Qliphoth from the perspective of modern magic.
Guardian By Guardian, Tunnel By Tunnel, Sphere By Sphere, You Will Experience The Occult’s First Truly Complete Self-Initiation Through Qliphothic Magic Over 305 Pages With Vivid Color Illustrations
In every chapter, you will find a demonic sigil and clairvoyant portrait of each guardian. These sigils serve as a point of ingress both into the tunnel and into the current of the guardian and can be used to access both. The portraits are provided here for the purpose of meditation and providing a starting point for your own visualization and communion with each entity. The way I portrayed them is based on my own visions of these beings as well as descriptions reported by my students and fellow practitioners. The pathworkings presented here are based on my own explorations of the tunnels. Most of them have been tested and verified by other practitioners through the project conducted in the Temple of Ascending Flame, but this book also includes a completely new material that was received during the project itself.
In Tunnels of Set, you'll receive a pioneer’s guide to navigating the Tree of Qliphoth like never before in occult history…
  • An unprecedented, complete 22-pathway guidebook for pioneers to perform self-initiation through the mysterious Tunnels of Set that innovates off earlier pioneers like Kenneth Grant and Aleister Crowley, and evolves Qliphothic Magic to new territory in the 21st century
  • Clairvoyant magical profiles of 22 Demonic Tunnel Guardians, featuring vivid tricolor portraits of their occult humanoid manifestations from ritual gnosis — printed beautifully in full-color ink with eye-popping surrealism
  • Highly advanced sigils received directly from the Demonic Guardians in astral travels and vision quests — these clairvoyant pictograms unite together the most powerful aspects of a spirit for immediate connection — you CANNOT find these priceless talismans anywhere else
  • Proven, charted pathworkings that navigate you through astral traveling and lucid dreaming to these Qliphothic Realms, and enter first-hand gnosis with the Demonic Guardians in their respective locales — double and triple verified by allies within my Temple of Ascending Flame
  • Divination system of correspondences between the Tunnels of Set and Tarot Cards to enlighten you on their magical synergies and empower you to summon forces from the Tunnels of Set in your Qliphoth Tarot Readings
  • Step-by-step methods of spirit contact from sigil magic, to Guardian invocation, to Pathworking, Dream Work, and more — learn to perform rituals that harness magic of the Tunnels of Set and Tree of Qliphoth for your eternal ascent
Order "The Complete Tunnels Of Set" Right Now... You're Also Going To Receive The Tree Of Qliphoth Amulet — And You'll Get $100 Off To Save 25%
If you’ve worked with my Qliphothic Meditations and Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations, you will find this volume to be a powerful extension and completion of the entire system. However, this is not a stand-alone work. If you want to work with the Qliphoth successfully, start with the first volume, successively expanding this work by invocations and evocations of the demon kings and queens of Sitra Ahra, and finally by exploration of the Tunnels of Set. This is how I work with this system myself, and this is what I recommend to those who feel drawn to this subject and are not sure where to begin. In the case of the Qliphoth, it is hard to say that anything can be risk-free in this process, but the system presented in all three volumes provides a fairly safe environment for a practitioner to explore the Dark Tree without getting lost in these realms.
As always, to help as many Qliphothic Magicians as possible to save as much on tuition as possible, I have paired my Tunnels of Set leather edition with The Tree of Qliphoth amulet together in The Complete Tunnels of Set to get you $100 off and save 25% on them. I have lowered their combined tuition to guarantee that this remains more affordable.
BUT — Please order right now, because both the leather edition grimoires and natural brass amulets exist in strictly limited editions. My previous grimoires within The Qliphothic Trilogy had sold out and magicians became upset that they could not study my grimoires, therefore please beware that if you do not act soon, you might lose availability. I personally welcome you as an aspiring Qliphothic Magician to place your order today, and you will receive it within two weeks or less globally.
In closing, the purpose of my Tunnels of Set grimoire is to introduce the practitioner to the newest, most innovative part of Qliphothic Magic that has not been explored in the two previous volumes or by any other magicians in history — but is necessary for the completion of the path and successful self-initiation through the Qliphothic Tree. Like in my other books, I also explain possible results and consequences of performing these rituals and provide information on what you can expect from these rituals in your day-to-day life.
I will see you in Tunnels of Set
Darkest Blessings,
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