Subject: The Sorcery Of Saturn: How To Exploit Death To Control life

Shemyaza's Master Key Amulet
Like A Mini Nuclear Reactor, Let The Fierce Powers Of
The Watchers Fuel Your Magick With Seismic Force
By The Metaphysical Mad Scientist J.S. Garrett
A Special Limited Edition of 50 Amulets
The Metaphysics Of How "The Master Key" Taps Into The "Great Deep" — The Sorcery Of Saturn — A New Talisman That Exploits The Energies Of Death That Ultimately Control Life Itself
J.S. Garrett
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Editor's Note: This newsletter entails part two of a two-part discussion between black witches J.S. Garrett & Orlee Stewart. You can watch this video and subscribe on Youtube right here. Their conversational style of phraseology has remained in place.
Dear Friend,
ORLEE STEWART  I really appreciate how Become A Living God is releasing The Master Key in metal because Shemyaza also taught humanity about working with metals as well. We have the power of this Saturnian current in the pewter combined with the power of The Master Key. There's definitely something profoundly alchemical about the conjunction of working with metals and sigils. I think the results people are going to have in their magick, now armed with this talisman in pewter will become more intense than ever before.
J.S. GARRETT  Absolutely. It was totally James, the Talimancer, who decided to craft these out of pewter and they turned out so well. There's something to engraving this in metal. If you study the Keys of Solomon, those seals are supposed to be engraved in certain types of metal at certain times of days and what not. So, I mean, there's definitely something to that. There is sheer power that radiates from these. I probably don't even need to do a consecration ritual with them, but I'm going to anyway just to make them that much more powerful and special.
But, yeah, they're awesome and, like I said, when I picked up the package, it was like I could feel a tingling through my hands and I was just like holy crap! This guy really, really put a lot of energy into making these. Something else that's really cool about this seal is that I figured out through experimentation that I can transfer energy from one person to another using this seal.
We actually demonstrated this with you and J.D. in a podcast we did a while back. By opening the seal and writing the person's name across it, I can put blood on that sigil and burn that and it transfers my own life force energy into that person. That's fueled by my intention whether it's to heal someone or to harm someone, though, whatever type of operation you are attempting to do, this can be incorporated into it to amplify the power.
ORLEE  That's really amazing and people could do so much with this talisman. Like, for example, you could get one and put your blood on it and then give that to a loved one and then the two of you would have a direct psychic link between one another. To share your energy, to communicate over vast spaces and I could even see working with this talisman as a way to help people develop their psychic abilities as well.
Saturn, in particular, is one of my favorite planets to work with. It's the Great Deep. It's the energies of death that control life and it encompasses so many different things. The forces of life and death are also present in the ritual that you're going to be doing to consecrate them, correct?
J.S.  Yeah. It's actually going to be a sacrificial rite. I'm going to utilize my deification circle— that's a large circle with a triangle in the center of it and in the center of that triangle is another circle. So, I'm going to draw The Master Key in salt in order to concentrate that energy. Then I plan to lay each one of these pendants out after I charge and open the seals individually. I'm going to place them into that large circle, invoke Shemyaza and then 'm going to consecrate these with the blood of a sacrifice, rooster blood specifically.
So, when you receive one of these in the mail, it will probably have some rooster blood on there. They're very beautiful but they're also very rustic. They're kind of rugged looking and I really like that.
ORLEE  I think that design would be great for everyone. It's really versatile and spiritual. You can look at that talisman and be transferred to an alternate dimension of reality just by staring at it. I can't even imagine how formidable we could become by wearing that often or to incorporate it especially in rituals.
Another thing that I think is great is that pewter is a hypoallergenic metal. So people like myself that have allergies to wearing various kinds of metals will be able to wear it. This isn't some kind of cheap trinket. This is a serious, powerful tool that people are able to access now and I'm so excited that Become A Living God is able to share this with the world. I'm super interested to know what people are going to do once they have access to this kind of power.
J.S.  Yeah, me too. I love getting feedback from people. I've already gotten quite a bit of feedback from people who bought the Compendium of Azazel and it worked with The Master Key. There's no one that I've heard from that has not been totally blown away by this. Staring into this definitely puts you in an altered state of consciousness. If you need to do a ritual on the fly ,say you're out and about in town and you need to call on the powers of magick to create some type of change in your reality. You can seriously just charge this seal, call on Shemyaza, and speak your intention and it will happen. That's very effective. So, I can't wait to hear from people about the experiences that they have with this.
ORLEE  Hell yeah! So everybody will definitely want to go to and get these before they're gone. I'm going to get one right now, so, everyone go and get your hands on this powerful tool because it is going to change your life. It's going to change your magick and your overall experience of working with spirits in every way...
J.S.  Thank you and yeah, I'll be definitely consecrating one for you and J.D. extra special for the two of you.
ORLEE  Thank you so much! That's really exciting and I am so curious to see how the world is going to change by those who will harness these talismans. This is truly something special and represents what our work is all about: changing the world, harnessing the powers of magick and putting it our own hands. That's exactly what you've done here by giving this gift to the world through the magick that you've received from the Watchers.
So, everyone go check them out in the store at to get these before they're gone. Thank you so much for explaining the power of this talisman.
Shemyaza's Master Key Amulet
Like A Mini Nuclear Reactor, Let The Fierce Powers Of
The Watchers Fuel Your Magick With Seismic Force
1. Evocation, Spellcasting & Protection
Harness the full force of Shemyaza & the Watchers
2. Lucid Telepathy & Intense Energy Work
Read and manipulate human & animal energy fields
3. Reveal Your True God-Name
Tap into your ultimate divinity & anchor your hidden god-name
By The Metaphysical Mad Scientist J.S. Garrett
A Special Limited Edition of 50 Amulets
The Metaphysical Mad Scientist,
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