Subject: "The Seed Of Darkness" - Elevation Beyond Any Spirit, Guide, Or Tradition

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Rites Of The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Will Elevate Your Eternal Ascent And Accelerate Your Human Evolution Further Than Any Other Spirit, Guide, Or Tradition — The Seed Of Darkness
Newsletter 3 of 3 to introduce The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers by name
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
As these Nine come together, as they seat themselves in this world, as we open the Gates and bring them through and as they unite in manifest forms, the God-Star will rise and the Prince of Darkness will draw near. — E.A. Koetting, The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, p.80
When The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers unite their magick collectively, they form a perfect synergy of limitless demonic power, infinitely stronger and greater together than the sum of their individual parts alone.
Synergy: when a group unites together and the collective power is greater than the sum of the individual parts by themselves
Like a combination lock, The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers fit together, and interconnect with one another perfectly. They accelerate and maximize their ascent in unison, and thus transform into The Black Diamond, or as they call themselves, The God-Star, and also known as The Seed of Darkness. In other words, they “level up” into the supreme force of cosmic evolution.
Please allow me to introduce you to the Mighty Nine below one at a time according to their Demonic Name, Sigil, and Powers. Today, you will discover Demonic Gatekeepers Seven, Eight, and Nine.
Gatekeeper 7. Baal: The King Of Kings
You’ve come to Ba’al for powers that no other demon could offer. You’ve come to Ba’al for strength, for might, to build a kingdom that you could never build alone. What are you willing to do for power? What are you willing to sacrifice for your kingdom? The answer should be anything and everything. If it’s not, then you’re not ready. — The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, p.337
Bael is the Lord of Lords, ancient god of storms, demonic patriarch, and the eldest Lord of War. Bael gives precise instructions to those who seek him out on rituals and meditations to gain mass influence, ascendant sorcery, and most of all, insights into the ‘inner game’ of magick, where the true kings emerge! Some of the things that Bael offers as his part of this pact are:
Some of the things that Baal offers as his part of this pact are:
• Opening the doors to prosperity
Fame, fortune, and all Jupiterian excesses
• The magickal powers of invincibility and invisibility
• Positions of leadership and command
Gatekeeper 8. Asmodeus: The Lord Of Lust
This is Asmodeus’ greatest teaching: Find it first within yourself, and then the outside world will appear as a better reflection of a better person. Asmodeus will grant you power to control others endlessly to lead you to the understanding that what you really want and what you really need is to understand yourself, to gain full mastery over yourself, and those who surround you will shift and change in accordance with the values and standards of the person that you can become. — The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, p.398
Asmoday is the demon of lust and wrath, the Destroying God, Lord of Gambling, and devil of the lusts of the flesh. Asmoday promises to fulfill love, prosperity, influence, lust, friendship, luck, and revenge, and he can and will do so once he is called, but never forget that the powers and insights gained are balanced by the sacrifices that we are willing to make and the change that we are willing to endure as we open Asmoday’s Gate.
Some of the things that Asmoday offers as his part of this pact are:
Heightened libido and prowess
Sex magick amplification
Boost in luck and gambling
• Transmute blockages to your Ascent
Gatekeeper 9. Satan: The Adversary
In my opinion, if Satan, according to the mythology, had any blame that he deserved, it was not pride, but it was his appeal to authority. To go and present his plan to God, i.e., “Hey, what do you think of my plan? Give me permission.” But then his atonement was in his rebellion. Once he saw that he was not going to receive daddy’s permission, he wasn’t going to ask twice. He went about enacting his plan anyways. — The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, p.439
Satan is the Lord of Darkness, the Adversary, the Ancient Dragon, the Great and Evil Serpent, and the Liberator of Mankind.
I spoke with the Lord of Darkness, and I asked him, “How far are you willing to take me?”
Then the Lord of Darkness answered with a question, “How far are you willing to go?”
“All the way,” I replied.
“All the way,” he reciprocated.
All the way. Consider, right now, your fear reading this. You’re afraid that people are going to find out. Certain people are going to find out that you’re a Black Magician. Certain people will find out that you are in league with Demons. Your fear is that you’re going to be exposed.
My greatest advice is to prepare yourself for everything to be exposed. I’ve been able to read minds for my entire life. I know what people are thinking, their thoughts and intentions. I know what they fear. The further I press into this, the more it becomes a tangible, savory substance. I’m not walking around this world with empty air inside of me. Rather, I’m filled with the fluid ether of a million different varieties of experience, all simultaneous and infinite. I can move out of them, and move them, bring them forth, and cast them away simultaneously and instantaneously. And, as you and I both well know, I’m not alone.
Some of the things that Satan offers as his part of this pact are:
• An eternal psychic connection with Satan
• Increased powers of seduction, influence, and manipulation
This concludes the third and last group of three of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers. Please remain on standby to receive your introduction to the last three in Newsletter 3 of 3 coming soon.
Harness the unlimited magick synergy of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers with the all-new Ritual Evocation & Initiation Pact available by popular demand for a limited time only.
You’re About To Skyrocket Your Eternal Ascent With The World’s Most Advanced Demonic Initiation… Here’s What To Expect With The Ritual Pact
It’s time for us to rise as one and take our freedom, and we may have to step across the corpses of the fallen to rise to the top. We absolutely need to step on the corpses of our old selves to give birth to the new. — The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, p.324
The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers will elevate your magick ascent and accelerate your human evolution further than any other spirit, guide, or tradition available anywhere on planet Earth. You will find a “tip of the iceberg” look at the many powers that you can receive below. The unique type and intensity of your awakening will vary individually according to your personal ethic, genetic constitution, and religious indoctrination. However, I absolutely guarantee that The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers will skyrocket your ascent to lightyears beyond where they had found you.
Magick Mentorship: Become an Apprentice of The Demonic Gatekeepers to receive their priceless counsel, magick procedures, and experiences in your pathworking.
Magnified Spellcasting: The Demonic Gatekeepers multiply the power of your spells and rites to dramatically increase results.
Sexual & Glamour Powers: The Demonic Gatekeepers can teach you how to seduce others, how to cast powerful sexual attraction spells, and how to use sexual energy for spellcasting.
Money & Wealth Powers: The Demonic Gatekeepers will enhance your power to manifest results according to your needs and demands. Cut out the middleman and access directly the power of magick with them.
Advanced Clairvoyance & Psychic Awareness: When you open yourself as a magick gateway to The Demonic Gatekeepers, they “activate” your astral clairvoyance, clairaudience, and psychic awareness to a point of 20-20 vision with your Third Eye, Third Ear, and psychic empathy.
Physical & Astral Possession: With your consent, The Demonic Gatekeepers possess you psychically, corporally, and energetically. They can also possess others at your command.
Lucid Dreamwalking: The Demonic Gatekeepers manifest in lucid dreams and summon you to their Throne Rooms to counsel on your magick ascent and life.
Astral Travel: The Demonic Gatekeepers free you to astral project, and take you on extensive tours of rare and obscure areas of The Infernal Empire.
Life Domination: The Demonic Gatekeepers can clear your path of all obstacles, spiritual or mundane, and can destroy those who stand in your way.
Spiritual Autonomy: The Demonic Gatekeepers teach you how to become a spiritually autonomous being, a master of ascent, and a law unto yourself.
Book The “Ritual Evocation & Initiation Pact” With The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Right Now And Receive Gnosis From The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Like Me
When you book the Ritual Evocation & Initiation Pact, you’re going to receive immediate access to three carefully designed companion materials in the members area. The (1) personal consultation, (2) video course, and (3) ebook grimoire will “activate” your psyche to open your energy body as a Magick Gateway to receive the transmission of priceless Magick Gnosis from The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers. Moreover, it not only shows you how to receive, but also how to understand and utilize the Magick Gnosis to empower your eternal ascent in this life and future lives.
Evocation & Initiation Ritual Pact with The Demonic Gatekeepers
Video Proof Live recording of complete ritual performance
Personal Consultation Prerequisite 20-minute discussion
Video Course Lifetime access to magick course online
eBook Grimoire Immediate download of magick guide
Confidentiality We absolutely never share private information
Availability By popular demand for a limited time only
Together as a family, the Ritual Evocation, Personal Consultation, Video Course, and eBook Grimoire will transform you into a human lightning rod that receives clear transmission from The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers for the rest of your life and beyond in both the physical and astral planes. Book the Ritual Evocation & Initiation Pact with the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers right now:
I will talk to you again soon in your personal consultation,
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