Subject: The "Secret Weapon" Of Medieval Necromancers To Defeat Christian Censorship

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Gateways Of Necromancy & Transcarnate Magick
Unleash the immortal forces of Necromancy to crack open the tomb of eternal unveiling… Experience rebirth in the flesh to become a living death god with the grimoire, video course, and funerary ritual pact
Edgar Kerval    E.A. Koetting
Get 53% off with the Strawberry Super Full Moon Ritual June 14
A Native Shaman Reveals The Three Main Aspirations Of Classical Necromancy And The Secret Way That Medieval Sorcerers Persevered Under The Cruel Persecution Of Christianity
Edgar Kerval
Native Colombian shaman and top author of black magick
Hello Friend,
It's Edgar Kerval here, sinister shaman and author of the newest double-grimoire on how to perform the world’s most powerful Death Magick, called Gateways of Necromancy. It features a second complementary grimoire by E.A. Koetting too, called Transcarnate Magick.
Medieval initiates and practitioners in Necromancy aspired to achieve three main ambitions: manipulation of will, illusion, and knowledge. Demons were called to produce various affections for others like drive them crazy, inflame love or hate, gain their favor, or restrict them from doing or not doing some action, i.e., manipulation. Everything that entailed resurrecting the dead, conjuring food, or fun entered the field of illusion. However, knowledge was obtained from demons, who provided information on various aspects: revealing the future, identifying criminals, searching for treasure, etc.
Performing Medieval Necromancy normally involved the use of magic circles, spells, and sacrifices such as those that appear in the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic. The circles protected everyone who was inside it. Conjuration became the way to communicate with demons to enter the Physical Plane, which could be called by performing certain postures and using the power of words, often incorporating Christian prayers or biblical verses. The sacrifice was the payment that the Necromancer had to make. Although it could involve flesh of an animal, many times it simply consisted of the delivery of a specific object; the time, place, and method of collecting items for the sacrifice could also play an important role in the ritual.
Herbert Stanley Redgrove states that Necromancy was one of the three main branches of medieval Ceremonial Magic, the other two being black magick and white magic. This does not necessarily correspond to the current classifications.
In the late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, as a result of the root of discrepancies of criteria, Necromancers and other professionals of the Magical Arts were able to use the spells that the holy names offer with impunity since the biblical references in such rituals could be interpreted as prayers instead of spells. Consequently, the Necromancy that appears in the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic is an evolution of these premises. It has been suggested that the authors of the Manual knowingly designed the book to disagree with ecclesiastical law. The main recipe used throughout the Manual uses the same religious language and energy names, along with demonic names. For the names of God derived from apocryphal texts and the Hebrew Torah, the author of these rites must have at least casual knowledge of these sources. Within the stories told in hidden manuals are the connections with the stories of the literary traditions of other cultures. For example, the evocation ceremony of a horse is closely related to the Arab work of One Thousand and One Nights. In the Leonardo da Vinci notebooks, it is stated that:
As the dumbest of human reasoning, the one who invites credulity in Necromancy, sister of Alchemy, who gives birth to simple and natural things, must be reputed; but it is all the more worthy of censorship than Alchemy when she does not give birth to anything other than her own image, that is, the lie.
At present, Necromancy is more generally used to describe the claim to the manipulation of death and the dead, often facilitated using Ritual Magic or some other type of occult ceremony. Channeling and Spiritism converge in Necromancy by contemporary seers when supposedly invoked spirits are asked to reveal future or secret events. Necromancy can also be presented as a branch of Theurgical Magic (invocation of extraterrestrial powers, such as angels and gods).
The practice of Necromancy has existed in one way or another over millennia. An Encyclopedia of Occultism states:
Art is almost universal use. There are considerable differences of opinion among modern adherents as to the exact methods to be properly applied in the Necromancer technique. It must be borne in mind that Necromancy, which in the Middle Ages was called witchcraft, is now called modern spiritualistic practice. However, there is no doubt that Necromancy is the touchstone of occultism because if, after careful preparation, the Adept can successfully elevate the soul from the other world, that’s the value of his art.
There are references to Necromancy in many books, movies, video games, board games, cards, etc. Various aspects of Voodoo are frequently related to Necromancy. However, it should be noted that the extensive literature and filmography often distort and demonize this set of practices, completely corrupting their real meaning.
To receive an uncensored full-length study in the true forbidden history of ancient pagan Death Magick, and to unlock the closely guarded secrets of performing Necromancy with the power of demons and the deceased, I welcome you to study my new double-grimoire, Gateways of Necromancy and Transcarnate Magick by E.A. Koetting.
Order “Gateways Of Necromancy” Right Now To Receive The Leather Edition, Online Course, And Supermoon Ritual Pact — Get 53% Off In May Only
With two of your favorite hardcore black magicians, E.A. Koetting and I together again, you’re going to learn:
  • Both ancient and modern techniques of performing hardcore Transcarnate Necromancy
  • Exactly how to commune with Death Essence step by step
  • Forbidden rituals to summon the Spirits of the Dead
  • How to craft and wield Death Fetishes and Death Idols
  • Initiatory secrets of Death from Vodou and Palo Mayombe, including helpful “workarounds” and “backdoors” for the modern Sorcerer
  • Advanced rituals of Death Worship, Ego-Dissolution, and Self-Transfiguration through the unforgiving Death Current
  • A guided exploration of Aztec and Mesoamerican Death Cults, along with deific incarnations of Death Gods from the ancient Americas
  • And of course, how to perform Funerary Rites of the dead and the living… Truthfully, this only scratches the surface of the Death Magick contained within this fearless double-grimoire
Today, the magick of Necromancy is neither violent, nor a one-dimensional “worship of death” — it constitutes the highest and ultimate reverence for the joyous fulfillment of life itself. I will see you in the grimoires...
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