Subject: The REAL Truth About Selling Your Soul To The Devil

The Book of Mephisto    Asenath Mason    Order Tuesday
The Leading Spirit Of ALL Western Demonology…
Unlock The Magic Of The Demon Mephistopheles With A Masterful Left Hand Path Grimoire And Guide To Occult Art Of The Faustian Tradition
Mephisto Has Become The Archetype Of Sinful Temptation To Make A "Pact With The Devil," Greed To "Sell Your Soul," And Conspiracy To "Join The Dark Side" -- Here's Why He's SO MUCH More
Asenath Mason
Hello Friend,
In this newsletter we will take a look at the tradition of making pacts with spirits, which is the leading theme in the Faust myth. We will discuss the traditional procedure, where Mephistopheles acts on behalf of Lucifer, while the modern method is described in detail in The Book of Mephisto, where you will learn how to make a pact with a chosen spirit with Mephisto’s help.
Black magic was a popular tradition in Europe in the 15th and the 16th centuries. No other period had so much interest in magic and the occult, and most grimoires known to this day were written in the late Middle Ages and during the Renaissance age. The leading artists, scholars and philosophers of those times were believed to be practicing magicians, and this reputation was true in most cases. The first known account of a sorcerer who made a pact with the Devil was the story of Theophilus, an administrator of a church in Sicily. According to the medieval legend, he was dismissed by the church authorities and lost his position. In order to gain it back, he made a pact with Satan. With the help of a necromancer, he summoned the Devil at midnight, renounced Christ and the saints and signed a contract with Satan in his own blood. The pact was successful and the Devil gave him his position back. This and other stories were spreading quickly across Europe, evolving into the legend of a sorcerer who gained power in exchange for selling his soul to the Devil. The legend eventually found epitome in the Renaissance figure of Faust. The Faustian Tradition, however, is unique in its approach. Unlike most of the legendary characters, who sold their soul for wealth and honors, Faust makes a pact for knowledge. The whole theme underlying the Faustian Tradition is that “knowledge is power,” and the true power can only be found by combining study with practice. This is true to the whole Luciferian Tradition, both in its roots and in the modern interpretation.
Mephistopheles in the Faustian Tradition is a special spirit - the primary initiator and faithful assistant to whoever makes a pact with him. He has chosen to live among people and comes whenever he is called as an intermediary between man and the forces of darkness, bringing us closer to the Other Side. He is the messenger of Lucifer, the mediator who allows for contact with nightside realms and their demonic denizens, and he can be a powerful ally on the path of self-empowerment and self-deification.
The Classic Formula Behind A Demonic Pact
The formula of a pact between a magician and a demon is described, for instance, in The Grand Grimoire. According to this text, the magician had to prepare for the ritual carefully. This involved e.g. buying a blood-stone, obtaining a young goat and sacrificing the animal on the third day of the moon at the place of the ritual. The skin of the animal had to be preserved in order to form the Kabalistic circle, which was a necessary element in this form of evocation. Then the magician had to prepare the Blasting Rod with which he would force the obedience of the spirit. On the night of the operation, the magician had to take the rod, the goatskin, the stone, two vervain crowns, two candlesticks and candles of virgin wax, incense, camphor, and a few other items, including four nails from the coffin of a dead child. Then he had to prepare the Kabalistic circle and proceed to prayers and conjurations. As you can see, the preparations were long and complicated. The spirit called in this procedure is Lucifuge Rofocale, the alter ego of Mephistopheles, who is described in the grimoire as obstinate and reluctant to appear and serve the operator, and despite the preparations, the result is not always guaranteed. In modern times, the formula is much more user-friendly, if only we approach the spirit with respect and an open-minded attitude, which you will find described in detail in my book.
Pacts were usually written backward, in Latin, mentioning the name of the demon or demons that were involved, and signed in the petitioner’s blood drawn from the left hand. In the document, the signer pledged their service to the Devil, renounced God and the sacrament, and acknowledged Lucifer as his lord and master. Lucifer was on top of the infernal hierarchy and all pacts were made by spirits acting on his behalf, like Mephistopheles or Lucifuge Rofocale. In return for the service, the signer was promised whatever material pleasures they sought in their earthly life: power, the love of men or women, worldly honors, vengeance upon their enemies, justice in the court, wealth and riches, etc. These powers were not without a price, though. For a specified amount of time their life on earth would be filled with all the pleasures they desired, and then the Devil would claim their soul and they would suffer eternal torments in hell.
Renouncing Faith For Infernal Freedom
In the folklore of witchcraft, the person who sought the pact had to renounce their faith and sacraments and gave a part of their clothing to the Devil in token that they were now separated from spiritual, corporal, natural, and terrestrial things. Their name was struck out of the Book of Life and inscribed in the Book of Death, and they received a new baptism and a new name by which they were known to the world of spirits and other witches and sorcerers. Sometimes the Devil left his mark on them as a confirmation that the pact was final and irrevocable. Some of these procedures are still used in modern times during initiatory practices and rites of passage, but they have a symbolic, rather than literal, meaning.
Today we can either choose to follow the old procedures faithfully or adjust them to our needs and use as inspiration in our work. Magicians working with the traditional systems of evocation often warn of horrible consequences that await those who don’t follow the prescribed procedures. They claim that even a minor departure from instructions provided in the grimoires exposes the operator to ruthless vengeance of the spirit and the loss of the body and soul. The magic of the Left Hand Path, however, views spirits as guides and allies on the path, not agents of evil that have to be bound and coerced into obedience. This is especially true to Mephistopheles, who comes willingly and makes an excellent assistant to all who walk the Luciferian path of self-deification.
What Is A Pact In Modern Times, Then?
What is the pact in modern times, then? Most people see the tradition of pacts with the Devil as a mere myth, and in most cases this is true, but if we look at it from a different perspective, a pact is still a powerful tool for a modern practitioner. Instead of selling your soul to the Devil, we should rather see it as a rite of passage, an initiatory ritual that holds special significance to the path as it opens the subconscious to the energies of Lucifer’s adversarial current by a formal pledge, which is the act of conscious will. In this sense, we can work with a chosen spirit to manifest anything we want in our life – wealth, love, success, and much, much more. The difference is, we no longer expect these things to be delivered to us on a plate, but we use the spirit’s powers to learn how to manifest all these things ourselves. How does it look in practice? This and other information about pacts with spirits you will find in The Book of Mephisto.
Let Me Be Your Occult Tour Guide Through A Thousand Years Of Classical Western Demonology... Unlock The Truth About Mephistopheles And His Magic Behind The Most Popular Demonic Kings
I welcome you to embark on this magical journey through time to discover the most popular demon of the Middle Ages: Mephistopheles a.k.a. Mephisto. My new grimoire The Book of Mephisto becomes live at midnight Monday night in New York City time zone, EST-USA.
This single book contains over 18 years of my personal gnosis with Mephisto, whom I consider my all-time favorite patron demon. His invisible hands have helped to shape my ascent and carry me through the greatest and worst times of my life, and I urge you to find out why for yourself in YOUR life too. If you have not, you may download your FREE chapter from it, called The Adversary. Click this button below to receive it right now:
I will talk to you again Tuesday when my book becomes live. Thank you for your priceless support.
Darkest Blessings,
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