Subject: The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers From Outer Darkness

The Demons Have Returned With Revelations About The Gatekeepers And Promises Of Global Apocalypse... This Year We Will Officially Contact Them To Find Out Their Secrets
E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
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Hey Friend,
This morning, I sat down at my favorite local cafe, a place that I like to go to read, research, and outline my various magickal undertakings.
I took several books with me, but none of them have ever been published, because they are my personal grimoires, my private magickal journals in which I’ve recorded not only the successful outcomes of my rituals, but also detailing the methods, symbols, and ritual formats used in each pathworking and each ceremony.
Without setting out to necessarily do so, I embarked on a review of the work that I’ve done, especially looking at what I’ve accomplished this last year, both personally as well as in my contributions to the field of magick, through the Viking Magick Pathworking Course.
In mastering the 9 Worlds of Norse mythology, I have grown stronger - physically and magickally, as well as in every other way imaginable. My body has grown stronger, more capable. My mind has become sharper, faster, and clearer. My emotions have been brought under my willful control more so than at any other point in my life, and now serve me. My magick has also increased, my ability to connect with these powers solidifying, and my ability to use them to create change in this world quickening.
The Completion Of One Pathworking Opens The Door To The Next
Underneath the silent celebration of my success with my Viking Pathworking was the gnawing knowing that the completion of one pathworking is not the end of anything, but merely opens the door to the next undertaking. This is the living spirit of Ascent, which is neverending.
Gnawing even more at my intuition was the awareness of a deep undercurrent to all of the work that I have done… and I had to admit that I have been avoiding taking this next step.
Whether I am working with Haitian Vodoun, Norse Magick, Tantra, Soul Travel Ascent, or any other magickal system, I keep getting directed back to the Gatekeepers - to the 9 Demonic Gatekeepers.
These beings are not the 9 Kings of the Goetia, although there is some overlap between them, just as there is overlap in every system.
In my extended magickal workings conducted in 2007, I uncovered 4 of these Gatekeepers: Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, and Abaddon. My discoveries in this field led to The Book of Azazel, which to this day still stands as an unholy bible of demonic intercourse.
What’s I’ve come to understand, though, is that The Book of Azazel was just the beginning.
I’ve Now Discovered 9 Gatekeepers!
As I’ve worked more and more with those four initial Gatekeepers, more has been revealed to me. Specifically, I have now discovered nine Demonic Gatekeepers, who hold the doors between our reality and what can only be called “Outer Darkness.”
I am going to undertake this new pathworking to discover as much as I can about these Gatekeepers: Who they are; what they want; what is the gate that they keep and where does it lead; and, what I can do to help them.
I know that this pathworking is going to be dangerous, but all things that are worthwhile indeed are dangerous. I know that it will be intense in every way. I also know that through it I will once again cast myself into the furnace of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and when I rise again from the flames I will no longer be the same me, but I will be stripped of all limitation.
I also know that there is very little that I can do to escape this working, for it truly is my Destiny, and free will seems to slip when dealing with something as inexorable as fate. This work is fated, it always has been, and now that it has begun, I will not rest until it is completed.
Talk again soon,
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