Subject: The New Commander-In-Chief Ritual - Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Satanic witch and model Rose Crowley
The sinful new guide to performing black love magick for the perfect love life — unleash the ultimate guilt-free love spells right now.
E.A. Koetting    Rose Crowley    Maggie Moon
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Launch Your Morning With Magick By Reuniting With Your Truest And Best Self... I Walk You Step By Step Through An Updated Version Of My Most Popular Ritual — The Commander-In-Chief Ritual
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
For almost two years now, I’ve been performing a daily ritual. This has been known as the Commander-In-Chief ritual, but I mostly just refer to it as my daily ritual. This is a ritual that I adopted from a mentor of mine, taking his framework, and finding my own expression of it. There are a few videos of mine where I walk you through it, but I’ve updated a lot of it for myself, and I’d like to share it with you today. I encourage you to also visit my YouTube channel, where you can watch the original ritual performed in full.
Unconditional Love And Infinite Pride
The first step in this ritual is to take a couple of deep breaths, ideally while standing up. Move around a bit, until you feel fully centered in your own individual power. Remember a time when you felt completely loved, when you knew that someone else in this world cared about and loved you. Maybe they held you, or maybe they verbalized it to you. Remember that love, and even more importantly, remember that feeling of deep love. Think of the people in your life that you love, focusing on how important they are to you, and how angry you could become if someone harmed them. Place your hands over your heart, feeling your center overflowing with the essence of unconditional love. You can feel how your body wants to shift into a different state as you bring this love into yourself.
We’ll now draw our attention to pride. What are you proud of in your life? What things have you done that bring you the greatest sense of accomplishment? Look throughout your life, drawing these moments into your awareness. If you’re unable to find moments that resonate with this essence, investigate the future, drawing the energy of your accomplishments that have yet to manifest into the present. Feel a sense of pride that makes you draw your shoulders back, opening your chest, your personal armor. You don’t need to guard yourself. You can be completely open, basking in a sense of safety and trust.
Now that you feel this pride, we’re going to use a simple technique I’ve discussed before, which is the creation of an energy orb. You can do this by rubbing your hands together, creating friction, motion, and conflict. Feel the magnetism between your hands, imagining it developing into a ball. It will gain so much mass that you can transfer it between your hands. Once you can clearly feel it, bring the orb into the center of your chest, giving yourself a double tap on the chest as you do so. This is a well-known NLP technique, signifying a sense of accomplishment and positive affirmation. I’ll often use this technique when I want to reaffirm my actions, so that I can carry that anchor of affirmation with me as I go through my day.
Facing The Darkness Within
At this point, we must face our darkness, the things inside ourselves that we really don’t want to face. I have a question for you: how bad could you become? How evil and awful a person could you be? How much hurt could you inflict on others if you stopped caring, giving up all hope? I invite you now, in this controlled time and space, to explore these feelings. Pump your fists, allowing yourself to slightly hyperventilate. You don’t have to get too out of control, but we want to send the signal through your mind, body, and spirit that you are in stress. Hold this feeling, taking a deep breath in and hunching your shoulders forward. What if you didn’t have any hope left in you? What if there was nothing left to hope for? Bring yourself to the moment of having lost anything that you love or care about. Now bring your hands in to your stomach, asking yourself how evil you could become. Face this, look at it directly, and take a moment to consider yourself doing all the things that you would never, ever let yourself do. Build this energy until you absolutely cannot stand it any longer, releasing it with a loud cry of “Enough!”
Feel the shadow exorcised from your being, watching it dissipate until it is no longer there.
Then, allow yourself to understand how blessed you truly are. The fact that you are reading these words is a blessing. The fact that I can express these thoughts and you can receive them is a tremendous blessing. The fact that we woke up this morning is a blessing. The fact that you, I, and everything else that exists even exists at all is a blessing. The dice could have been rolled in so many ways, but they were rolled in our favor. We only have today. I don’t know that I’ll wake up tomorrow. I sure as hell hope so, but I can’t guarantee it. None of us can. That is why every single day, I start the day with this ritual.
Messages From The True Savior
Finally, imagine yourself standing, sitting, or kneeling at the shore of a lake at dawn. You see a figure across the lake, and as you look more clearly, you see that this figure is walking across the water, a very real savior. You slowly make out that this figure is yourself, but older and wiser. It’s the part of you that knows everything that you need to know. Feel how much this person loves you, just as you are. This future version of yourself understands everything that you’re going through, all your failures and achievements. You sense that this version of yourself loves you unconditionally and is extremely proud of you. As they come forward, allow them to give you a message, whatever message you need to receive for the day. Receive it with gratitude and allow the image to fade as you move into the rest of your day as a living God.
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