Subject: The Money Magnet Spell To Supercharge Your Personal Finances

Your ruthless guide to performing demonic Money Magick for unlimited prosperity and abundance… Here’s my proven blueprint for building your own Infernal Empire from the trenches as a Master of Wealth.
E.A. Koetting    Conner Kendall    August 29th
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The World Domination Series, Spellbook 2
The Money Magnet Spell To Supercharge Your Personal Finances And Overcome Any Limiting Feelings Of Artificial Poverty... Wield The Infinite Magnetism Of Money To Unleash Abundance...
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Today, I’m going to be giving away a free money magick spell. I’m going to be taking this from my contribution to The Wealth Magick Spellbook, which is written by me and Conner Kendall. You can receive a FREE chapter right now.
The Infinite Magnetism Of Money
I’ll be taking this spell from Chapter Four, “Money Spells for Instant Gain.” In this chapter, I have two spells that, honestly, are going to satisfy the needs of most magicians. The reason for this is quite simple: they work. The first spell in Chapter Four is a candle magick money spell, a simple spell that I’ve seen work time and time again. The second spell I give in this chapter is the one I’ll be sharing with you today, a money magnet spell. Let me go ahead and read to you from the spellbook:
Money is magnetic. It attracts more money if you magnetize it right. If you put your intention into that money, you can turn any amount of money into a super magnet. This is a very simple ritual that does require a certain amount of trust from you.
When you start performing any kind of Wealth Magick, even as you're planning a ritual for wealth magic, something strange starts to happen. You start to find dollar bills and coin change on the ground or around the house, in couch cushions on the sidewalk, in the trash sometimes. You start to find random money. This is something that we have trained ourselves to just dismiss and most to think it's odd or strange. No, this is magickal.
The magick is not in the changes that occur in the world around you, but it is about the changes you can stimulate at will within you, but shifting your time and attention in the direction that you wish to travel. Doing this for wealth will begin to stimulate wealth to come to you in small forms and in large. And it is magickal that the dollar bill is on the sidewalk just then. And it is magickal that you see it, but it is most magickal if you believe what you are seeing enough to take action. In that moment of noticing, take that money and put it on a silver plate.
Unleashing An Abundance Of Manifestation
Over a span of time that can either be three days or one week, continue to put any money that you find on that silver plate. This can be the change that you empty out of your pockets at the end of the day, but this is always best if it’s with random money that you happen across, money that just manifests along your path. Rather than taking that money and spending it on something, such as getting a soda or coffee, go ahead and take that money and put it on the plate.
Every day, once a day, charge that plate of money. I did this by putting four green candles on the plate, one on each corner, and gluing them down with hot glue. I suggest creating a similar setup, lighting these candles once a day, and then envisioning that money growing. More importantly, feel inside yourself the alleviation of stress, the alleviation of anxiety in relation to finances. Feel that instead of the anxiety and fear being present, they are replaced by peace, calmness, and certainty. Envision that pile of money growing as large as you can possibly imagine it, overflowing the plate. You’ll continue to find greater and greater amounts of money as you do this throughout the week.
Materialization From Around The World
I prefer to stretch this ritual across a full seven days, but on the third or seventh day, depending on which version of the ritual you have employed, take the pile of money down to the bank. This is possibly the most important step of this whole ritual. If you have a bank account already, you can just go ahead and deposit the money into your favorite account, the account that you want more money to be attracted to. If you don’t have a bank account yet, this is the perfect opportunity to start one. You do want to put this money in a bank specifically, so it will attract more money from around the world, money from everywhere but you.
Once your investment is done, the magnetism that your money has created over the week, over each day of visualizing the pile grow and each day of you actually seeing it grow as you put more money into it, is going to continue and continue. As you come across more manifested money, continue to place it in this account.
I’ve seen this spell work countless times. I’ve performed it for myself, for my loved ones, and I’ve taught it to my students. Now, this spell is yours. You could easily take this spell that I just laid out for you and perform it for yourself today. If you start this process today, give it one week and you’re going to see the results. Again, I’m pulling this from The Wealth Magick Spellbook, so I’m going to advise you to sign up and receive a FREE chapter. This is just one spell in a spellbook that is completely packed with spells on wealth, prosperity, abundance, and influence.
Receive A Complete Armory Of Both Modern
And Classical Rites Of Love Magick To Transform
Every Facet Of Your Love Life
The Wealth Magick Spellbook constitutes the second spellbook of The World Domination Series. Let me re-introduce you to the first spellbook, namely, The Love Magick Spellbook by me, Maggie Moon, and Rose Crowley. Here’s a hard truth about Black Love Magick that Asmodeus showed me.
A black magician truly only needs one deadly-accurate Love Spell.
While performing a 90-day evocation with Asmodeus, I demanded that he gift an armory of Love Spells to me, like an oversized 24-hour diner menu featuring every Love Spell and Ecstatic Rite that a black witch could ever crave at any time.
Of course, Asmodeus knew lightyears better than me, and instead of piling a mountain of spells on top of me, the Demonic Gatekeeper initiated me with the single most deadly-accurate ritual possible, called The Conjuring True Love Ritual.
If Love Magick truly works, and if a Love Spell causes a partner to love you, why should you need more than one? As this second principle of The Conjuring True Love Ritual sank in, it has permanently transformed my belief from one of greed and excess to one of precision and timing.
Why should you waste time performing a million rites, when you could perform a single deadly-accurate ritual with a better result? In conclusion, I urge you as the ascendant Black Magician and Black Witch to become a Master of One, instead of a Master of None.
In the popular sinful, 260-page, three-author grimoire, The Love Magick Spellbook, you are factually going to receive a complete armory of both modern and classical rituals to transform the multiple facets of your love life and social life.
If you are ready to unlock The Love Magick Spellbook and drink the cup of forbidden ecstasy, then what are you waiting for? You can save a giant 40% off right now. Click here to find out more, and we will see you inside the spellbook.
Conner Kendall and I will see you at midnight on Monday night, August 29th, to overhaul your economic situation and open the flood gates to your personal abundance.
Talk again soon,
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