Subject: The King Code: Following The Creed Of Success

BAAL: The King Of Kings, Compendium 7
Featuring 10 of the world's top black magicians
Ritual, Course & Grimoire    Order Tuesday May 12
Awaken class consciousness and unlock the
Four Stages of Ascent with the Lord of Lords
The King Code: Following The Creed Of Success...
Free Yourself From Oppressive Traditions, Break Your Own Dogmatic Rules, And Determine Your Fate To Dictate Your Life As King Or Queen
Aserial Krabat
Author & sorcerer
Hello Friend,
I am author and sorcerer, Aserial Krabat.
When I was informed about the release of the Compendium of Baal, I knew that I had to play a role in it. I knew that there was something to be taught and given to the those worthy of knowledge.
However, I felt very distant from the normal approach of writing up a traditional grimoire, so to speak. There needed to be a departure from the purely magickal tradition that would only benefit a practicing Black Magician.
I wanted to offer something that could be employed by anyone ready to change their lives, no matter what spiritual path they have dedicated themself towards.
As a young aspiring entrepreneur, it felt like the right time for me to take what I had learned over the last few years and turn it into a guide for self-actualization.
Within my part of the book called, The King Code, you will not find magick rituals, evocations, or spells. What you will find, instead, is a codex of laws that any King or Queen, trying to enhance their life, can follow in order to have a template for raising their personal power. So, here is a little sneak peek of my Book:
Take The Time
Sometimes, all we need is a break in order to reflect. A true King or Queen actually enjoys the moments when time seems to freeze and stands still. It gives them the opportunity to experience their life with more depth.
It’s almost like they are looking at it with a slow-motion camera that enables them to experience the magick of the moment on a much deeper and more self-aware level.
Take your time to actually rest, it gives you a chance to be still and focus on the immediate essentials of your life. We don't always have to do something, it is totally okay to "just be."
Are you giving yourself enough time to reflect and simply be in the moment, or are you trying to distract yourself with work, always doing something because you don't want to accept who you really are?
We need breaks like that in order to analyze our personal values, and to think about the direction that we want to go. Don´t be carried away by the current of urgency.
Urgent task have the tendency to appear so loud that it seem like they are the most important thing, even though their importance dwindles in the face of our infinite existence, pure awareness, and experience of consciousness.
In quiet moments, we are able to differentiate the important from the unimportant, and decide which path we are going to take next.
In The Moment Of A Decision, We Determine Our Fate
Imagine the following:
In the next few years, a new person will enter your life. He is going to have the keys to your house and car, he is going to live in your room and sit at your table. He is going to use all the things that you worked your ass of for and that you grew close to. He is going to read and control all your account statements to see if you really made use of the last few years. He is going to sleep in your bed and you will see his reflection when you look into the mirror.
This person is your future self.
You have created that person through the decisions that you have made today and the things that you did and didn’t do. How is this person going to look? How is this person going to live? What is this person doing and what friends do they have? How much quality of life will be in their possession and are they going to be a happy person that lives a fulfilled life?
The decision you make today will answer those questions for you.
Killing The Procrastinator
Everything big, once started small, everything builds upon mistakes that were made at the beginning. Mistakes are the foundation for the right decision made later in life. Without mistakes, human beings would not have evolved to the point where we are able to harness the power of a nuclear explosion or have metallic vehicles in the sky that are able to fly. Everything builds on mistakes.
Mistakes are the foundation for our inner personal strength. Mistakes are good! It is always better to start imperfect than to hesitate with perfection.
We are never ready for the very big tasks, only in beginning something we learn the necessary things that will bring us closer to success. The best preparation is to just do it.
How often do we hear the phrase: “As soon as I have more energy I will begin to work out” Wrong! The energy comes when we begin to go out for a run…
Or how about this one, “I will start to work hard and give my best as soon as I have decent Job” Wrong, again! We get a decent job because we worked hard for it, not the other way around.
This book and all the information contained within will not give you the desired results if you´re just reading through it. Even if you hammer these laws into your brain so you won´t forget them, even then will nothing have changed.
You need to take action, you need to integrate these rules into your life by working with them on a daily basis. The realization that these rules are based on, are thousands of years old. Remember that wisdom only becomes true power once it is known how to successfully employ it. Just do it and take the plunge.
10 Of The World's Top Sorcerers & Witches Reveal Their Priceless Gnosis With Baal, The King Of Kings, In A Historically Unprecedented Group Grimoire
Tuesday, May 12, unlock ancient secrets of the Demonic Gatekeeper — Baal or Bael — with a 339-page group grimoire full of priceless gnosis channeled by 10 of the world's top demonologists, sorcerers, and black witches. Learn to awaken class consciousness with Lord Baal, and to unlock the Four Stages of Ascent in your current lifetime.
In Compendium of Baal, you're going to learn:
Foreword. Timothy - Vamacara: The True Meaning & Origin of the Left Hand Path in Shakti Tantra
1. E.A. Koetting - The Grimoire of Baal
2. Edgar Kerval - Baal I Zaraq: Dispersion, Possession & Negredo Phase
3. Bill Duvendack - Ba'al, Bel, & Marduk
4. Orlee Stewart - The Book of Ascending Horns
5. J.D. Temple - The Book of Dying Darkness
6. Conner Kendall - Baal: Lord of Lords
7. Aserial Krabat - The King Code: Following the Creed of Success
8. Zeraphina Angelus - Bael: Beyond the Flesh
9. C.H. Richard - Bael: First King of Ars Goetia
On Tuesday, May 12, let the Lord of Lords, Baal, initiate you into his ancient magick. Elevate your ascent higher than ever with the group grimoire, Baal: The King of Kings, Compendium 7 of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers saga.
Talk again soon,
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