Subject: The Hidden Science Behind Lovecraft's Old Ones

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Explore The Interdimensional Angles Of The "In-Between"... Discover The Forbidden Sciences Of Lovecraft's Old Ones (Part One)

Hey Friend, S. Ben Qayin here...

The altars of violence and sacrifice: the temples of the Maya and Aztec magicians formed of trapezoids and sustained by the sacrificial blood of the chosen ones, the truncated pyramids upon which hearts were cut from living victims and held aloft and hot to Quetzalcoatl and Hapikern. ~ Anton LaVey

Magic is not ‘Magical’, it does not ‘just happen’, nor is it ‘miraculous’. Magic is a scientific system based on a process that we have yet to fully understand scientifically. I believe this is because we have yet to fully realize the totality of the base structure of the reality we are currently residing in. We have yet to understand all the rules of the ‘Matrix’ of ‘Consensual Reality’ and therefore have yet to fully understand or utilize our personal place and power within this mathematical structure we call reality. Magic is the manipulation of personal energy to restructure the ‘Consensual Reality Matrix’ to conform to the Intent of the Magician.

As with all energy, Magic can be harnessed and directed, spirits and entities can be contacted and change can be made within the personal ‘grid’ of the Magician. There has always been a struggle of science vs. magic and which can be seen as true and factual. This is ridiculous, they are the same. Nothing simply occurs, there is always a system, a process that must begin the ‘miracle’.

As an example; if I were to sit in a room with an observer, chair facing chair, and suddenly move my left arm, it would appear to the observer that my arm moved with no outside cause, they would not see the hidden thought process in my brain that began the movement. Of course we know scientifically that there is a thought process that drives the functions of the human body, but if we lacked that scientific understanding, it would appear as if my arm’s movement was unconnected to any process other than its own sudden volition. This is Magic. We only see the outcome, though scientifically cannot explain the hidden process fully. However, quantum physics has unraveled some of magic’s mysteries and given us a scientific explanation for what was once thought of as ‘miraculous’ such as in the example of sympathetic magic being discovered as entanglement. If you take a piece of someone’s hair and perform a magical baneful rite against them, they become sick, or whatever ill is willed onto them. Sympathetic magic has been practiced for centuries. Though now this is not magic, it is science because it has been somewhat explained by those who do not practice traditional Magic; (largely the scientific community) as quantum entanglement. Though even here science cannot yet explain why entanglement works, but now we scientifically know that it does. The magic has been correct all along, however it is now only valid because it can be explained scientifically. As I said, the separation between magic and science is ridiculous.

“Magic is the manipulation of personal energy to restructure the ‘Consensual Reality Matrix’ to conform to the Intent of the Black Magician.”

Fringe Magic is not new; it is simply a category I have created to encompass scientific magic or magic that deals with dimensions, non-human intelligence and work that questions the basis of ‘reality’, and how to manipulate it. This can be classified as experimental magic if you will, teetering on the edge of the Abyss, or at least on the edge of what is magically socially acceptable. Up until about the last decade, any magical systems to be introduced to the public that did not stem from a hard structured Western Ceremonial Magical Order, were viewed with great discrimination.

Only now are such concepts and ideas being looked upon with greater respect and interest. Of course Fringe Magic does encompass such literary works from authors and Magicians who have ventured forth into the ‘empty spaces’, such as H.P. Lovecraft, Carlos Castaneda, Pete Carroll, Frank G. Ripel, Michael Bertiaux, H.P. Blavatsky, Kenneth Grant, Asenath Mason and others who have been to the edge of creation and reality, and come back to write of it. They masterfully transform into words, experiences and concepts that are seemingly indescribable to those who have not walked the ‘Spaces In-Between’ themselves, who have not known the ‘Twilight of Being and Reality’. The practice of Magic dealing with the evocation of spirits, both benevolent and baneful, has generally been centered around the Magic Circle and its counterpart; the Triangle of Arte. By using these key components, portals to other realms have been opened and contact with spiritual entities has been achieved. Whether the magician were calling forth either Demons, Angels, or else, these tools have been implemented since time immemorial to commune with that which was beyond.

“…the separation between magic and science is ridiculous.”

This information can be found within “The Black Book of Azathoth” which is available now, along with the Trinity of Triangles Ritual Mat and the Trinity of Triangles Ritual Amulet. I offer many services which include Consultations, Tarot Readings, or even Ritual Work to the black magician in need of such assistance. Please visit my personal page to book your services now.

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Disclaimer: personal success depends on your work ethic, so results will vary. Consider all information adult entertainment, and not professional or medical advice. Mainstream science does not accept magick as real. Use this information at your own risk. If you experience any problems, contact a licensed doctor. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of your actions. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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