Subject: The Hidden Path Of Belial - Edgar Kerval

The Elder Mysteries Of Enlightenment And The Poison Path Of Infernal Gnosis... How And Why The Demon Lord Fosters Transmutation Of Soul
Edgar Kerval
Colombian musician, author & artist focused on deconstructing magickal vortices through deep gnosis.
Find my grimoire The Hidden Path of Belial alongside E.A. Koetting, Asenath Mason, and Kurtis Joseph in Compendium of Belial at midnight on April 9th.
Hello Friend, this is author Edgar Kerval...
The masks of Belial are the four primal paths which manifest a potent formula of self-transformation through the elder mysteries of diverse forms of sorcery and illumination into the divine nature of man.
By using the infernal fire, which enlightens magickal process, the adept is guided into deep states of consciousness which open to establish in the adept a secret route to the ancient path to Belial through a deep initiation process of sorcery that transforms the mind into an incarnated magickal vessel for libations of infernal wisdom of the powers of Belial.
The infernal masks of Belial are obscure representations of human consciousness. The adept works with them in different periods of time to embrace them as mirrors of chaos that reflect our deepest primigenian instincts, which when opened can never be closed again. The masks are primal atavisms of the void which the adept must use to transcend the nightside paths beyond the astral realms.
This is the path of the sacred fire of Belial, lord of the depths and keeper of the gate, who guides the souls of adepts through the realms of the shadow. Here the adept learns how to unificate his/her soul with Belial through death and the magic of the void, which leads to transformation of the soul into a god-form.
The power of the flame of Belial is summoned through rituals that open the stele of the eye of Belial. Each one of his masks is unveiled at his throne as a primigenian shadow within the adept who walks the path of the black flame guided by Belial under the black sun rays in Amenta.
Belial manifests when the adept goes backward into the labyrinths of his temple, through the paths of the nightside realms, and with his black flame illuminates the path to the assumption of his shadow. This is the beginning of the process of transmutation that guides the adept toward preparation of the soul through the eternal fire of wisdom and divinity to become one with Belial.
The poison path of Belial offers the influx of his radioactive and poisonous nectars which are injected into the soul of the adept as a vessel for manifestation of astral temples in which madness and sexual ecstasy guide the adept toward the gateless gate where we confront our own shadows in order to transcend.
I welcome you to participate in Compendiumg of Belial alongside me, E.A. Koetting, Asenath Mason, and Kurtis Joseph. This unprecedened four-author tome unveils the truths behind the Demon King Belial like no other grimore in history. Help us to awakent the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers on earth to ignite godhood in the heart of every mand and woman. If you still have not, download a 57-page sample of Compendium right here:
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