Subject: The Devil's Idol: Babylonian Necromancy With A Human Skull

The Compendium of Abaddon, Volume 4
Unlock the bottomless pit with Kali the Destroyer & More
Magick mantras, bind commands, ritual formulae, deific masks, and paradigm-shattering experiences with The Angel of the Abyss...
A New Era of Demonology • The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers
E.A. Koetting    Michael W. Ford
Edgar Kerval    Bill Duvendack   Orlee Stewart
V.K. Jehannum    Enoch B. Petrucelly
Christian Youtuber Warns His Church: "Antichrist E.A. Koetting Fulfills The Book Of Revelation! His Grimoire Of Abaddon Is Filled With Evil Curses!" — I Confess: I Walk With Abaddon The Destroyer
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
In working with Abaddon the Destroyer in his many faces, in her many forms, and many names, I have over the past few months embraced destruction in a way that I have never before.
Of course this can be understood symbolically as the destruction of myself, of my own self-perception, of my own world views.
In order to step into a new reality of your design, you must step into a new You, which means that the old You must destroyed. In fact, we could even say that the Now-You, as you currently are, needs to be destroyed.
But there's also a very literal interpretation to the name, the spirit and the essence of Abaddon.
It's impossible to actually become the Destroyer, though, without causing some destruction. It's impossible to open Abaddon's gate without shedding a little blood.
And as I've been reflecting on things that I learned, I can not ignore the fact that this compendium, and specifically this Grimoire, the Grimoire of Abaddon, is filled with curses… more curses than most any other book contains. Curses that I have proven can destroy an enemy, utterly.
Curse Words & Karma Traps
In the beginning, were the primordial sounds.
Abaddon through the form of Kali taught me how to use these mantras, to destroy all blockages - formed and unformed - To demolish all enemies that stand before me.
Abaddon showed me how I could use these words of power, primordial sounds, as weapons. As pinpoint laser-precise magical tools, to fully excise any person or anything from my reality. Of course like I always do anything that I've learned, I pass to you.
I also learned a specific curse, one of the most interesting curses I've ever come across called the ‘Jiva-Samsara Karma Trap.’
This utilizes the force that many people misunderstand as karma: the force of attachment.
In this ritual, you take the victim’s attachment, your target’s attachment, all of their negativity, all of their hatred, all of their envy. You pull it out of their stomach and wrap it around their body, around their soul. Then you add to that your attachment, your anger, your grief and compound all of it into a magickal spell of suffering that will unravel the recipient’s life, circumstances, finances, relationships, social standing, leaving them helpless and hopeless when you strike the final blow.
This ritual of the Jiva-Samsara Karma Trap is actually multiple curses that are wrapped into one. This is an interesting aspect of Abaddon: He tends to compile different forces from different sources, using the combination to create true monstrosities, magical monstrosities. And so in this Jiva-Samsara Karma Trap, there is an invocation of the 10 Faces of Kali. As well as a Pomba Gira curse, in one of the most brutal bindings I've ever laid on another person.
And all that I can say about that is, that curse has worked.
The Black Sphinx & Astral Assassins
Abaddon also taught me the creation of the Black Sphinx. And the Black Sphinx is an amalgamation of various poisonous or detestable creatures. Using their decomposing body parts you can build up a sphinx, a combination of these creatures in astral form.
Then you'd send this hideous astral monster towards your enemies, and it acts as your astral assassin. Not only does it destroy your enemies by the way but also feeds on them and grows stronger by it. He taught me how to take that to the next level.
This grimoire will also teach you how to summon forth the locust army.
In the description of Abaddon in the book of revelations describes this dark angel Abaddon opening the bottomless pit. And out of the bottomless pit flies an army of locust the size of war horses with wings, plate metal instead of skin, wearing crowns, with the faces of men.
Abaddon taught me (and I’ll teach you!) how to summon forth, and how to command the locust army, and how to send them against your enemies.
The Devil's Idol
The final ritual that Abaddon taught me is one of the darkest forms of necromancy I've ever come across.
Using the skull of a deceased person, you can pull their spirit, their immortal self back into the skull, using ancient Babylonian necromancy.
And then once you've trapped the immortal essence back in the bone, back in the skull, you then invoke entities called the Akepheru: unborn beings like giant serpents floating in the Abyss.
You can call them forth and you deliver the immortal soul out of the skull to these Ahkpheru, and they will devour fully.
They devour it, and that soul is no more, as if that soul never existed at all.
The skull is then considered abandoned, its previous owner having never existed. That skull can then be filled fully with the Lord of Darkness.
Baptized in blood and blessed by the Black Flame, the skull then becomes the Devil's Idol.
The Unholy Spirit will enter into the bone, and you will look into the eyes of the skull and you will see the fires of hell, and you will see the true face of the Devil, and from that day forth, He will never depart from it.
And He will never depart from you.
As I looked back at what I had written, what I've filmed, what I present in this Pathworking of Abaddon, I honestly felt a bit hesitant to release it at all.
If there's anything that I've ever published or anything that I've ever put out that has the capability to be used improperly, to be abused, it is this material. Anyone can get their hands it and can wreak havoc on their enemies.
And this should be the point where I would say, "No you can't do this, It's too dangerous!"
But Abaddon spoke to me about that in what he called the Non-Ethics of Sorcery.
The only true action is spontaneous action. If Shakti moves through you, and is embodied as Durga the Vengeful, then your Dharma is set as Arjuna's riding into battle. Krishna's advice to Arjuna, I now give to you: Do not attach your actions to your identity.
Being versus doing. The Shakti moves through me, the Powers of Darkness work through me, to release this dangerous work, the Grimoire of Abaddon, because I am opening the Gates through myself, through my actions, through my deeds, through my very soul.
There is no stopping now. This is a work that must be done.
Last chance to receive your free chapter from the Grimoire of Abaddon as it becomes live at midnight Monday night May 27. I welcome you to unlock the bottomless pit with Abaddon, me, Michael W. Ford, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Orlee Stewart, Enoch B. Petrucelly, and V.K. Jehannum. Together as a group we have become the Antichrist who bring the Apocalypse.
The Destroyer of Worlds walks with us...
Talk again soon,
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