Subject: The Age Of Lucifer - How It Changes Everything

You Are Now Living In The Age Of Lucifer!
Here's What Has Changed, What Will Change,
And How To Be Reborn In Lucifer’s Light...
(P.S. He Is Only One "Super Spirit" Of A Team)
Lucifer fell once a long time ago... but he has RISEN again stronger than ever!
Hail the ultimate archetype of spiritual enlightenment with Awakening Lucifer by Asenath Mason.
Includes A Lucifer Sigil Talisman In Metal For Free (seen in photo)
E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
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Hey Friend,
In the years leading up to the fated end of the Mayan calendar on December 21st 2012, countless predictions of disaster, apocalypse, enlightenment, and even mass alien disclosure were offered by experts and amateurs.
Looking into the future is always difficult, because the future is like a cloud that is still forming; you can see what general appearance it will take on, but unless you use magick to shape it, it is difficult to see exactly what shape and intensity you’re going to end up with.
When you look back on events that have already occurred, however, and combine historical knowledge with future forecasts, you can then formulate a much more complete picture.
The Maya Did Not Predict Destruction At The End Of 2012, But Instead They Predicted An Emergence Into A New Age
Around 1999 I started really looking into the Mayan prophecies, and I studied very closely the Popul Vu text. What I found out was that the Maya did not predict destruction at the end of 2012, but instead they predicted an emergence into a new age.
You see, the Maya Long Count calendar separated large measurements of time into Baktuns, each Baktun lasting 144,000 days each. Prior to December 21st 2012, we were living in the 13th Baktun, which was known as “the Baktun of the transformation of matter,” and was characterised by scientific advancement, materialism, and political territorialism.
Having moved now into the 14th Baktun, we can already see evidence of the evolution of the human consciousness on a massive scale. All across the world, people are overthrowing tyrannical governments, redefining restrictive societal roles, and gravitating more towards personal and practical spirituality instead of orthodoxy.
If you look at the world and you notice chaos and upheaval, you should know that what you are seeing is merely the effect of a higher vibrational wavelength on a material. The birth cries of the new age are also the death cries of the old age.
The Astral Body Needs 3 Days To Separate From The Physical Body When A Human Dies...
Interestingly, when a human dies, it takes about 3 days for the astral body to separate from the physical body. It then requires an additional 3 days for the more subtle bodies to separate from the astral body, although this can be prolonged quite a bit depending on the state and intentions of the individual.
On the scale of a solar system entering into a new area of the cosmos, as this is exactly what has occurred, the transition does not take 3 days, but instead takes 3 years. So, really, we are just now coming out of the adjustment period and are ready to embrace our destiny in this new age!
I’ve referred to this new age as the Age of Lucifer, because the primary change that is going to take place is that the individual will begin to know himself, to know his power, and to take full responsibility for his Ascent.
Lucifer is the one who shines light into every dark corner, He who brings enlightenment into the minds of men, the emissary from distant realms to the human species who has but one commandment “Know Thyself” and who has but one message, “Become The Light.”
The Gatekeepers Have Openly Warned That They
Will Merge With This Physical Reality...
Lucifer Is Only The First Of These "Super Spirits"
I have been told by the Gatekeepers that they are preparing to enter this world in a way that they have never done before, and that our physical reality will merge with spiritual reality. In this sense, Lucifer is only the first of these spirits to knock on the door of the earth plane. He is the first shoe to drop in a cavalcade of super-spirits.
While channelling Lucifer, my friend Frank White, founder of The Grail of the Serpent, channelled this message from Lucifer: “You must prepare yourself for an enormous influx of freedom to perceive the other worlds.”
The key there is that this is an opportunity. Nothing is given to those who wait. Everything is offered to those who act.
So, what do you need to do? Know thyself. Begin transforming yourself, your life, and your world in accordance with your will. And strive always for the highest, to raise yourself above yourself.
And Lucifer stands, waiting for you to call him, waiting to bring you into this age of light!
My favorite grimoire on Luciferian Gnosis has become available recently, it's called Awakening Lucifer by Asenath Mason & Bill Duvendack. It connects the dots between solar deities who have been turned into adversaries. Lucifer embodies this collective archetype and more. If you would like to enter the Luciferian Age, click the button below:
I will reveal more about The Gatekeepers, this breed of super spirits, and their mission soon...
Talk again soon,
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