Subject: Strength Vs. Cowardice

Either Use Your Fear As A Magickal Tool For Self-Transformation & Ascent - OR Become Enslaved In Stasis By Your Own Cowardice!
Click the above image to awaken your inner God or Goddess!
E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight classic grimoires on black magick and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
Hey Friend,
Why is it that human beings are capable of creating the most amazing technology in order to destroy each other, to kill other human beings?
I don’t think that it is necessarily a testament to our own homicidal or psychotic nature. I think that it is because of fear.
We were so afraid of what would happen if Adolf Hitler won the war that we created nuclear power.
Not to use in farming this energy for household use, nor to power crafts to travel to other planets. We used that nuclear energy to destroy our enemies.
We see this with the advent of every major technology: The wheel to use for chariots to go out to war, different metals to use for weapons, etc.
Our technology develops massively when we are at war, because we are afraid of being on the losing side of war.
Most Of Us Are Enslaved By Fear!
Most of us are completely enslaved by fear. When we become afraid of something, that fear grips us heavily. It actually activates the brain stem, the reptilian mind, which then sends signals: Fight, Flight, or Freeze.
Most people only hear about the Fight and Flight part of that, but freezing is one of the most common defense mechanisms when animals are faced with life-threatening fear.
So, if humans have become so great at creating technologies and physical methods of destroying our enemies, why is it so difficult to destroy obstacles in our lives, or to change patterns, behaviors, or beliefs in ourselves?
There are a couple reasons for this:
1.These patterns rarely appear instantly in our lives, but are seeded in us early on, fed and watered through our attention - or through our neglect of mindfulness of the situation - and are reinforced for years before we decide that we want to make a change.
2. Change is scary, and most people have learned over time to either flee or to freeze in the face of danger, or even at the thought of perceived danger. Change on the deepest level is probably the scariest thing a person can encounter, and so we can become immobilized before we even get to the point of considering making change.
3. Making lasting change in ourselves requires a combination of 2 methods. The first is committing to a way of life and a way of being that is congruent with our goals, and executing that commitment consistently. The second route is to induce trauma. Willfully entering into either long-term commitment to change, or to sudden life-on-the-line trauma induces enough fear to make us freeze and not take the journey a step further.
I think we probably all understand the first part of committing to change and consistently living, acting, behaving, and even thinking in a new way that is in alignment with our new selves.
But, what’s the deal with trauma? Why would you want to traumatize yourself, and how does that help you make changes in yourself, or in the world outside of yourself?
In engaging situations that are naturally fear-inducing, you begin to change your relationship with fear. Sure, when I’m dangling by a rope off of an 80 foot cliff, I can tell you that I’m still afraid. The potential of falling to my death is just as real as it has ever been, and the ground beneath me is just as solid as it’s ever been. The only thing that has changed is my relationship with fear. It no longer controls me. It no longer forces my body to freeze, or pushes me to scramble back to safety at the top of the cliff. It no longer makes me angry or violent.
Once You Reach This Point In Your Relationship With Fear, A Fourth Option Becomes Available: Focus!
What happens when you reach this point in your relationship with fear is that a fourth option becomes available: Focus!
With your body chemistry running off the charts, your heart pounding and your reptilian brain stem pulsing, you have gained access to the most primal part of your brain, and your focus will never be sharper! You can see and hear everything, trivial thoughts have been purged from your system, and your mind becomes precise about what it needs to do.
When you’re doing something like rappelling or rock climbing, you can use this focus to complete a course that you never thought possible. But, once you are able to Focus in the face of fear, the doorway is opened to discovering parts of yourself that you never knew existed. Some people have found that they can react more quickly to danger, others momentarily possess super-human strength, and an even smaller percentage of people awaken abilities that are considered impossible to the rest of the world.
I’m using things like rappelling and rock climbing as metaphors, because that’s really what they are. But, let’s bring this back to magick. When you summon forth entities that you are afraid of, engage in rituals that terrify you, and enter into the darkest parts of your psyche, you will find hidden powers and secret caverns of capability that have been latent within you all along.
Take these same principles and apply them to all of your rituals. In fact, apply them to your entire life!
Look at the problems that you have.
What are you afraid to do to solve these problems?
What is your fear keeping you away from, and what is your fear trying to tell you?
Rather than Freezing, rather than Fleeing or Fighting, how can you inhale, breathe that fear in, and Focus?
Now, I didn’t just wake up one day with the blessings of enlightenment. I spent decades figuring out what works and what doesn’t. I’ve also had a lot of personal mentors who have helped me along the way. Let me personally mentor you in your Ascent, troubleshoot your magickal process, and help you discover the path to your greatest success!
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Talk again soon,
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