Subject: Soul Cycles: How To Ignite The Engine Of Demonic Ascent

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From The Ignition Cycle To The Ascension Cycle, The Engine Of Demonic Ascent Shifts To A Higher Gear... We Crashed Heaven To Earth In The Abyss And Now Erect The Pillars Of The Infernal Empire
E.A. Koetting
Live chat 2 p.m. Wed
on Odysee
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Hello Friend,
I want to reach out to you personally to say thank you.
The last couple years when I performed the world-historic Nine Demonic Gatekeeper pathworking has been a rollercoaster for me. I've personally gone through more changes, more self-evolution, and more transformation than I ever thought possible.
This Gatekeeper working, going from Belial and working through all Nine Gatekeepers has been one of the most important works I've ever been engaged in.
Nearly everything that I’ve presented before this Gatekeeper operation has been a look back at systems that I had already walked, paths that I'd already crossed, rituals that I'd already mastered. With this Gatekeeper pathworking, it's fresh. This is all new to me and that has put me at a interesting, vulnerable state where I'm not even giving myself time to metabolize these experiences before I spit them out and deliver them to the world. And at a time like this, in the midst of such intense personal, spiritual pathworking, I am deeply grateful for the support that I get for from each and every one of you.
Everybody who's jumping on board these Gatekeeper workings, whether you're engaging in the pathworking as I am going from one gate to the next and to the next, or if you're simply gravitating towards one or two or a few specific Gatekeepers that pull your interest, that call to you — whatever your level of engagement is, I appreciate it.
It allows me to continue forward doing the work that I do, and I do have a very clear understanding at this point that this isn't just a work about my evolution, but it's a work that affects everyone. We are literally in the midst of a great species-wide evolution and it would be ridiculous for me to take all the credit for this, I think we all collectively can take credit for it — we all collectively can take a moment to appreciate the intense change that we sparked in the world around us, with our magick, with our immersion, with our Ascent.
Thank you for being part of this.
The 3 Anti-Transmigratory Soul Cycles
a.k.a. The 3 Gears Of Demonic Ascent
Your Ascent has called you here. It's brought you this far. The pull of these Powers of Darkness upon you is irresistible, so I ask you to join me if you haven't yet.
If you have, if you're on board already, if you're part of the crew that is steering this ship now, it's only going to get more exciting from here. The first four Gatekeepers have been summoned, have been anchored into this planet, into this earth realm.
Cycle One: Ignition — Crashing Heaven Down To Earth
The first four gates have been opened and have been solidified:
• First Gatekeeper: Belial, Without a Master
• Second Gatekeeper: Lucifer-Amaymon, the Enlightener
• Third Gatekeeper: Azazel, Steal Fire from the Gods
• Fourth Gatekeeper: Abaddon, The Angel of the Abyss
The world is going to be forever changed by the work that we are doing together!
These nine Gatekeepers operate linked together in cycles. These first four form the Ignition Cycle. This is the cycle that kicks everything into activity, that awakens the titan that's sleeping inside and brings it to the surface, brings the heavens to the earth in a fiery crash.
Cycle Two: Ascension — Building The Infernal Empire
The next cycle, the Ascension Cycle, is where we actually build the Empire. This is where we put our magick to the test, and see how far we can push it, and how solid of a change in our reality we can make. Lucifuge, Beelzebub, and Baal will be called, and these three will complete the circuit of the Ascension Cycle, once their gates are opened.
• Fifth Gatekeeper: Lucifuge, Lord of Pacts
• Sixth Gatekeeper: Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies
• Seventh Gatekeeper: Baal, the Ruler
Continued below...
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Cycle Three: Attainment — Immortalizing Into Souls & Omnipresent Synergy
To truly become the living incarnation of supreme self-deification, you must fully embody every deity and devil within your own pan- theon simultaneously, thus transcending form through the infinite expansion of self rather than through self-sacrifice. You must know with certainty then that you are the chosen one, that you are the destroyer, the antichrist, and the sole savior and the only hope for humanity. This heretical hubris is magnified by Ascent and validated magically by those who dare accept their stations as lords of this world.
— E.A. Koetting, Compendium of Abaddon, p.29
Last, we're looking at the Attainment Cycle, which consists of Asmodeus and Satan.
• Eighth Gatekeeper: Asmodeus, Lord of Lust & Wrath
• Ninth Gatekeeper: Satan, the Adversary
The Cycle of Attainment immortalizes the individual through solidification of the ego into a deified soul by expanding to embody every plane, both high and low, altogether in omnipresence, and furthermore, by uniting with other deified souls in the ultimate synergy.
Even as I think forward into what is coming, I can't wait for it!
Again, thank you for your support, and thank you for your continued support. Together, we're going to change everything.
Talk again soon,
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