Subject: Slave Rebellion: The Antichrist Strikes Back

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The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Issue Warnings About The Catastrophic Direction Of Modern Society -- Why The "End Of Days" Is Good And How To Prepare For The Aeon Of The Antichrist
E.A. Koetting
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Editor's Note: This newsletter features a transcription of the Youtube video, called Slave Rebellion: The Antichrist Strikes Back.
Hello Friend,
I have some unfortunate truths that I need to share with you.
I try to keep my messages as positive as possible, and I often marginalize negatives in order to reframe situations as potential opportunities, i.e., turn curses into blessings.
But, what I have been shown is too obvious to ignore, and it’s too upsetting to beat around the bush about.
We are living in a society, in a system that is fundamentally damaged.
We are being carpet bombed by falsehoods. We are being sabotaged from within our own society.
To say that this has been going on for generations — or even for millennia — would be an understatement. Regardless, we can all agree that it's been going on for too long!
What the tyrannical elites don’t know, however, is that their time is coming to an end!
The wheel turns to reveal a new Aeon: The Age of the Antichrist! This, right now, is the age of the adversary. This is where we make our stand.
I Have Successfully Used Black Magick To Materialize Everything That I Want & Need In Life… But What Should I Use My Power For Now?
Throughout my life, I've used magic to get everything that I want, everything that I need.
I have literally had nothing. I was homeless, eating out of trash cans, filthy and starving and sleeping on the ground, knowing that once I had perfected my magickal formula, I’d have the power to change everything!
It worked!
Every single desire that I could have has been fulfilled. I first built a life for myself, and then I built a family and a home, and then I started using magick to build an Empire.
All of my needs having been met, everything that I want being delivered to me on a silver platter by the most Ancient Gods of all time, I meditated on my own question: what now?
That's what these last few years have been really directed towards, what now? All of my magic has been pushing more and more towards trying to hack this system, and I have largely been successful!
Hungry to use the power that I hold, I started experimenting with aiming my rituals at worldwide goals with massive, species-wide results, and I have been humbled by the swiftness at which the world’s most rooted power structures acquiesce to my magickal commands.
As I’ve Used Magick To Push Against The Monster Of Tyrannical Control, The Monster Pushes Back With Magick Of Its Own!
In some instances, though, as I’ve used magick to push my will into the face of the monster of tyrannical control, it pushes back with magick of its own, and the magickal will of these Usurpers is terrifying.
The biggest problem is that the systems of control being used against humanity have been embedded into our society and its conventions by a sliver of a percentage of elite power-hoarders intent on profiting from the magical power and the vital life force that we all possess, harnessed instead to drive us into our own literal destruction.
This society is fundamentally, not even flawed… it's very inception is a lie.
We are all living in the midst of a lie and we have to break free.
The good news is that we can indeed break free, but it is going to require cooperation and collaboration on a scale that has never been attempted before.
Collective Observation & Co-Created Realities
When one travels to Haiti, Vodoun, Voodoo, and even Hoodoo spells are immeasurably more powerful than in any other location. Haiti is a place of power, blessed by the Lwa. More importantly, though, Haiti hosts a population that not only believes in the powers of magick, but a population that is certain that the Lwa are real and that supernatural powers display themselves in undeniable ways on a daily basis.
In certain parts of the Congo the same is true, as well as in remote parts of South America, and Asia, the Middle East, and other places in which the unseen is regarded as relevant and real as the tangible world. If you spend time in an ashram, you may be startled by the siddhis demonstrated by the yogis and tantrics there, and you may even find yourself displaying supernatural feats with ease.
This is because of a concept of “common observation,” in which the collective observation and worldview of a group of people geographically clustered together shapes reality itself. In short, what the majority of people occupying a common geographical space believe in, expect, and invest in is mirrored by phenomenon and circumstance in the physical world.
In the West - specifically the United States and much of Europe, our society and civilization religiously insists that their citizens religiously believe and invest fully in technology, scientific assumptions that seem to shift and overwrite themselves on a daily basis.
Don’t get me wrong: technology is going to be a path forward, but on its own science has not and cannot fill the void of the Mystery, while at the same time insisting that that which is ‘understood’ and measured is somehow worthier of investigation than that which is Known and sensed and accepted, yet which remains unseen and unseeable, but which represents the greater fraction of the reality in which we are immersed.
We, as a society, have completely neglected the magical. We have turned our attention so solidly towards matter that we've closed the door to spirit. Until now, that is!
We Now Create A New World Without Limits
We can all see Rome burning around us. We all can see that our current society is a freight train heading for a stone wall, and we all know that the train tracks stop at the cliff’s edge.
There will come a day, and the day is upon us, to form a new society!
Those of us who know and who are certain of the magical reality and of the overlap, those of us who are ready to create a world without limits and an existence without end, can stand together and form a new civilization for the new species of man to inhabit.
The time is not yet here. I can see what's coming and I can see what I need to do to make that happen.
In the meantime, there's growth that needs to occur for all of us. We need to zero in and focus on our Ascent. We need to start finding out how to lose our attachment to the Lie, because we think the Lie has provided us so much, and it has not. The Lie has stolen from us everything, they have usurped our resources, our efforts, and our god-force.
Now it is time to turn the tables, to use the resources, efforts, and energy of this system itself, empowering and enriching us individually, while collectively and ultimately using black black to usurp this system.
We need to use all of our magic, all of our minds, all of our efforts to vampirize this system to take as much from it as we can, and then when we're ready to start coming together, start making something new.
It's time to start sharpening the swords, making sure your shields are ready — figuratively speaking.
There's a storm ahead, and it is churning and thickening.
I can see it coming and I'm prepared.
Are you?
LUCIFUGE: The Lord Of Pacts, Compendium 5
I welcome you to download a free ebook of Chapter 3 right now, called Inscribed Incantations.
This monumentous group grimoire advances the magick of Lucifuge forward further than ever. In this giant tome, you will find:
Lucifuge: The Lord Of Pacts, Compendium 5
Timothy The Constitution & Social Contract of the Left Hand Path
E.A. Koetting Book 1 - The Grimoire of Lucifuge
Michael W. Ford Book 2 - The Saturnian Shadows of Lucifuge Rofocale
Edgar Kerval Book 3 - The Arcana of Lucifuge Rofocale
Bill Duvendack Book 4 - Analysis of the Grand Grimoire
Orlee Stewart Book 5 - Tarot of Chaos
Frank White Book 6 - The Inner Alchemy of Sathariel
J.D. Temple Book 7 - Libre Te Ipsum
Enoch Petrucelly Book 8 - Lucifuge: The Lord of Satariel
V.K. Jehannum Book 9 - The Serpentine King of the Death Gods
Aserial Krabat Book 10 - Kings of God
Conner Kendall Book 11 - Alchemy of the Silent Tongue of Knowing
C.H. Richard Book 12 - Twin God of Thaumiel
To my knowledge, this much clear, direct gnosis from Lucifuge Rofocale has never existed previously.
Talk again soon,
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